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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. create a folder called c:\merge then put the 270 v roms 1 2 3 4 into that folder then open a command prompt then type cd c:\merge\ then type this for the v 1 + 2 copy /b 270-v1.bin+270-v2.bin new-270-v1.bin then type this for the v 3 + 4 copy /b 270-v3.bin+270-v4.bin new-270-v2.bin
  2. as long as your happy ( i would not be cause its the wrong rom)
  3. I suggest you do the same !! just because you like kiddie warez does not mean the rest of us have to be like you.
  4. thats why i said if the crc was correct then it would load anyway.even if it was 271-s1.bum
  5. i cant remember the exact results when i tried that with FBA (i think i did it last year), but as far as i remember, there was text but the colors were rather glitchy. wow thats more than what i got. all i got was a black screen and messed up graphics and no text. both on mame and FBA.
  6. this might not be fact but bootlegs cannot be used without the s rom in this case samsho5 can be used without the s1 rom so i am unsure if this samsho5 was a bootleg youre right, thats not the fact. the KOF2001 set Kawaks uses is a bootleg and it doesnt use an s1 rom. maybe cause it uses the original kof2001 c rom files... but i am not sure.thats why stated that. try getting the s1 text from svc c roms and see what happens. maybe someone knows cause i do not not....
  7. this might not be fact but bootlegs cannot be used without the s rom in this case samsho5 can be used without the s1 rom so i am unsure if this samsho5 was a bootleg
  8. does it still complian that the crc is wrong ? cause if the crc is right it would still load the rom eevn it had a differnt ext so i find that strange unless the crc wrong to start with.
  9. no offense but if you were told to put your head in a gas oven would you ?. as said i only patched what was really needed to be patched.. just because some member on a forum board says these patches are to be used does not mean that its the case. its just as bad as all these hacks.
  10. i never seen the bios do that.
  11. I seen no reason to patch the c roms they are fine. and no one has complained saying there are graphic problems nor have i seen any. the graphic problems were caused by the p rom so thats the only thing i patched apart from merging the v roms.
  12. Maybe cause your c roms were patched when there was no need too. or you have used the wrong gfx key. which was 0f
  13. nah see no need. and when i say should work in Kawaks i do not mean that Dev version. EDIT just checked it also wants a p2 rom for that dev crap.which mine does not have but i do not care anyway.
  14. Thank you in advance for any help here is mine and it works good in nebula so it should work in kawaks. no s1 text rom needed.
  15. looks like the drivers are messed up if you cannot see the credit or fonts and ingame life and super meters.
  16. Welcome all from your grumpy old Moderater.
  17. this is bad that kids are now making bombs. how sad.
  18. this site may have what ur looking for http://retroroms.official-website.net/modu...id=662&forum=10
  19. Nothing lasts forever anyway someone will work out how to dump and emulate Atomiswave.until then lets just enjoy what we have. this also could be the end of SNK
  20. it is my pet i am teaching him to do tricks.
  21. nice maybe you could post that in the next gen forum.
  22. The reason i asked cause i thought a compiled FBA with the rom set that the kawaks dev has. i know you can change names. i did it a few times for test roms i was compiling. lets hope you do not have a rom called dogpoo lol.
  23. Point taken. I'm with you on that. ok what the hell is this
  24. i was thinking is your kof2003b with the 16 meg c roms ? cause the other fba i found uses the rom name kof2003.
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