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Everything posted by James

  1. with all the spyware as well ?
  2. lets hope you guys undertsand that svcplus ia hack and svc is the offical rom set i for one am getting very pissed off with all these hacks,and i will not support them.
  3. you will have to change the settings yourself and just so you know there is spyware in it called wildtangent which can be removed
  4. hmm well I have it running in winkawaks dev and ammo is not at 999 nor is the bombs at 999 so i think you got something else mixed up with plus. i see no pics just fixed it
  5. is that 5.5 that has spyware in it ?
  6. Like I've said before, 98% of the Neo-Geo hack out there are shite. more like 100% Well, the only hack I currently have is the boss hack for SVC....and I'm going to get rid of it once a good trainer / a new version of Uni-BIOS comes out. True, more like 100% new uni-bios ?
  7. Like I've said before, 98% of the Neo-Geo hack out there are shite. more like 100%
  8. i have the roms but its messed up graphics and nothing to get excited about its just a kiddie hack in my books
  9. Now you are a Wannabe Member. welcome to 1Emulation.Com.
  10. So how many have gotten there kof2003 to work in fba ?
  11. I think what's important is the uncompressed size (about 90 megs for kof2003), not the zipped one; please correct me if I'm wrong. If you already have Linux on your XBox, why not just use XMame (mame's port to *nix systems)? This would not eliminate the memory issue, but at least it would be a soulution to the performance one. I must admit this is offtipic.
  12. The crc's is what would help.
  13. Thanks for that i do not know where to find KOF2K2nd but maybe if you tell me the crc it needs for them roms i might be able to help. does it use the same as neoragex does ?
  14. Yes i am from Australia. Cool....I'm from Australia myself I will upload my FBA mingw to my website for you (I got it from IQ_132 when I first started to compile my own version of FBA) Cool thanks do you get those aggregate warnings during the compile ?
  15. Ok thanks I can compile it now. thanks to IQ i just get those aggregate warnings now.
  16. ok thanks.i just thought maybe you could zip up your mingw source that has been set up and send it to me. anyway is there any link for the Cygwin setup or am i asking something i should allready know ?
  17. you could ask iq_132 of Romshare. as far as i remember, he used to upload his MinGW setup. Thanks i will ask him Hey what about you ? i was just about to send you a PM. i know my error is in the mingw.but i seem to be missing something.
  18. TimeZone was once a big company in australia now it has died me and many friends stop going to the arcades for the simple reason that we did not need too consoles were our reason and theres no way that everything that was said on that site is true. why not create a poll and see what happens ?
  19. where i live the arcade has died and its not because of rom bootleggers the simple reason is the console why go out and play at the arcades when you can play the games on there consoles
  20. I need to know the right stuff to compile FBA as everytime i tried i get an error. maybe someone could send me there mingw that they use to compile FBA
  21. poirot your post was deleted for the simple reason that you have posted in the wrong thread. the topic header clearly says (Kawaks) King of Fighters 2003 News IV
  22. I am sure i posted after the fourth post on page 2
  23. Yes i am from Australia.
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