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Everything posted by James

  1. I tried loading SFIII 2nd Impact ... but I got this error: Unable to load. FileName: 10 Size: 8388608 CRC: BEB7B483 There are missing files. Load aborted Would only be usefull on mame builds
  2. Cool, When I try to record Mame it runs really slow, So I am not able to record mame
  3. Ah cool Not a bad place to share videos
  4. CPS3 Tile Compression Part 3 http://haze.mameworld.info/2007/06/27/cps3...ression-part-3/
  5. Because the cps3 hardware uses the cd to load the files to the roms. Think of it like a pc game thats first installed and the cd needs to be in the drive to run the game. Right now it has been hacked to run without the cd.
  6. I was bored so I compiled this Here is a CPS3 only build of Mame, This build does not need the CHD files to run. This build is based on the 0.116 source. And uses the latest source changes by haze http://rapidshare.com/files/39433280/CPS3-32.exe
  7. Well if you have them already then no
  8. It is part of hardware so the CD (aka CHD) has to be emulated ElSem has said that the CD emulation will added later, Right now he is just trying to get CPS-3 to work properly.
  9. The main thing that will change is that the CHD's will be needed.
  10. To be honest I have no idea why there are cd and no cd versions. One thing I do know is that the CD version can take around 30 min to load up (Loads the game data too the roms)
  11. THe CHD's are the CD's that are part of the hardware. The roms must be the no cd versions or already have the data needed to run the games. I know Mame needs those CHD's, But the CPS3 emulator does not seem to use them. No doubt that will change in the future because its not the correct way to be emulated. There are CD versions and non cd versions of CPS3 games.
  12. Works well But seems to use more CPU power than my Mame build does.
  13. Yes, Not sure what it will be like once everything is fully emulated though.
  14. I am already messing with CPS3 on mame Runs at full speed on my old P4 3 gig
  15. Already posted. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22420
  16. Why, Was you scared?
  17. Hey everyone is calm, No body is angry here, Well I know I am not angry.
  18. Not to sound nasty, But if you were not asking you would not of posted that above. You even added '???" at the end of the sentence, Which tells me you was asking. Anyway I was not being nasty with you, I only agreed with you that it was too soon to be asking such things. We will find out soon enough.
  19. Looks like no on can ask anything for now, Haze's site is offline and Mame.net seems to be down as well.
  20. Nope, You just do not like the answers you are getting. Like I said above its rather pointless asking when its not complete. Put it this way the more thats emulated in the game the slower it will become. There is going to be a large amount of PC's that will not be able to emulate CPS3 at full speed.
  21. Yeh geez you guys seem like you're just dying to jump the gun and flame people for asking. It was just idle speculation- not whining about whether someone will be able to play 3S on their comp at 60fps by next Tuesday. Damn. Is it so wrong to even hazard a guess? I flamed no one, He answered his own question "Too early" So there was no need to ask. Think about it, The emulation is not complete, So its rather pointless asking what speeds it is going to be.
  22. Yes thats right its too early, Just wait like the rest of us.
  23. Some games are that size because they old games. You need to stop downloading the clone sets, Until you can understand the difference between Parent and clone sets.
  24. No not really, Most people say hi before they give a plug to there site or software. The forum is also for getting to know each other, Not just for news if it was only for news then there would be no forum. Robert as already stated knew about the front-end and moved it to the news section. This section is only for staff to post news in.
  25. Perhaps members should Introduce themselves before they post stuff like this. This might be the only post this member will post. This has been posted on other forums as well and even there the person has only made one post. One forum I am at has already nuked the post.
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