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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. as for the normal kawaks the answer is no but there was one the kawaks 1.48b dev (hack) which i for one do not recomend.
  2. This topic has now been moved to the neogeo section. please start new topics in the correct threads. thank you.
  3. had to resize, my desktop is 1280x1024 why the whole desktop ? i can take a screenshot of the kawaks window which uses less space and file size.
  4. well yeah you use whats good for your pc. but its not mame with the problem. its more an issue with the cpu memory that mame needs if its not fast enuff maybe more memory is needed or a faster cpu . i have a 2 gig CPU with 1 gig of memory and mame is fine on my pc. thats why kawaks is good as it uses less cpu power and memory. so it is wise to use an emulator that best suits your needs and pc.
  5. its dead well he did they are moving servers so thats why.
  6. you only need the s1 fix http://galeon.com/repeat/s1fix.rar
  7. yeah but does it only work on that kawaks dev if so then no its not and if it works on the normal kawaks then yes it will be the offical EDIT also just because it works does mean it has the correct roms thats why i asked to let me know if it has the correct roms i have had that kawaks dev for awhile now it does work but the roms are wrong.
  8. let me know if it has the correct roms please
  9. as long as it's not that rom that has the 16 meg c roms as that is no good really i will use the mame rom set with the new p rom once it gets released.
  10. they should not be. svc you cannot play the bosses and thats how it is meant to be svcplus (HACK) has all the hiiden bosses the only patch i used was the one called svc_fix as there was no need for the rest of them.
  11. here's another pic
  12. neogames never said where it was.
  13. Thread is now closed
  14. That rom you are downloading is for mame Only
  15. Please Note this is for the news and support for kof2003 if you wish to talk about other stuff on the King of Fighters 2003 then please start a new topic so please keep to the topic or this thread will be closed. Thank you
  16. please not send reports to the moderator if its only for looking for roms thank you
  17. On neogames the Info has now changed.now say for NeorageX only
  18. they are there click the neogeo link for arcade
  19. old newz but thanks anyway
  20. he is talking about the cheats not the bios.anyway that bios is not new it is old.
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