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Everything posted by James

  1. yes yes yes no bugs here
  2. can you play it mame ? NRX is for slow pc's graphics are the same in most emulators. neorage is an low end emu and is a dead one for that matter . and i only use it on my old pc . i use mame and is the best for me.
  3. what do you need to know ?
  4. this has nothing to do with the kof2003 rom
  5. if you like mame the way it is then do not download this fix I have updated Mame so it can support the new fix for mslug5nd .this romset now runs on Final Burn Alpha NeorageX Kakwaks Nebula Mame ..Mame now has three rom sets of Mslug5 which are mslug5.zip mslug5n.zip mslug5nd.zip http://members.westnet.com.au/the%2Dkula/mame.html here is a dat kawaks i made so if you use mame as well then you can still use Kawaks System: Neo RomName: mslug5nd Game: Metal Slug 5 [Program] 268-p1.bin,0,600000,02247965,0 [Text] 268-s1.bin,0,20000,64952683,0 [Z80] 268-m1d.bin,0,20000,6FA01C9A,0 [samples] 268-v1.bin,0,400000,C3540E0D,0 268-v2.bin,400000,400000,77BD2F4,0 268-v3.bin,800000,400000,39B14567,0 268-v4.bin,C00000,400000,969FF3B2,0 [Graphics] 268-c1d.bin,0,800000,969C0D62,0 268-c2d.bin,1,800000,C69AE867,0 268-c3d.bin,1000000,800000,D7BEAEAF,0 268-c4d.bin,1000001,800000,E1B1131B,0 268-c5d.bin,2000000,800000,2FA1A5AD,0 268-c6d.bin,2000001,800000,6DE89589,0 268-c7d.bin,3000000,800000,97BD0C0A,0 268-c8d.bin,3000001,800000,C0D5BC20,0 [system] CartridgeID: 268 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0
  6. i do not think you understand the p rom needs to be downloaded as well I've already downloaded it. & I've added V roms CRC according to the result with the patch on RomShare forum. i added a link for the other members here i knew you allready had done it
  7. i do not think you understand the p rom needs to be downloaded as well
  8. you need the new p1 as well or it still wont work http://www.neogamez.net/Downloads/Utilidad...g5_p1%201.1.zip
  9. the mame cheat goes in the cheat.dat thats if you have one and the Nebula and kawaks . what you do is copy it into a txt file then name the txt to samsho5 then change the ext from txt to dat it should then be placed in the cheats folder ......
  10. the correct rom set that is used in Kawaks is mslug5nd not mslug5
  11. it is meant for the mslug5nd rom set
  12. this cheat for mlsug5 is bigger ; MSLUG5 Cheats by James ; version N/A ; have fun [0] Name=Infinite Time 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D67F,63 [1] Name=Infinite Lives PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100A40,09 [2] Name=Infinite Boom PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D456,09,10DCDE,09 [3] Name=Always Have Normal Bomb PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D457,01 [4] Name=Always Have Fire Bomb PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D457,02 [5] Name=Always Have Rock Bomb PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D457,03 [6] Name=Invincibility PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100D18,40 [7] Name=Infinite Arms PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D45D,FF,10D45C,FF [8] Name=Pig Freeze PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100D57,01 [9] Name= Char Select - MARCO PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100A41,00 [10] Name= Char Select - TARMA PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100A41,01 [11] Name= Char Select - ERI PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100A41,02 [12] Name= Char Select - FIO PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100A41,03 [13] Name=Always Have Normal Gun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,00 [14] Name=Always Have Machine Gun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,01 [15] Name=Always Have Shotgun Gun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,02 [16] Name=Always Have MSGun Gun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,03 [17] Name=Always Have Flame Shot PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,04 [18] Name=Always Have Big Machine Gun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,05 [19] Name=Always Have Laser Gun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,06 [20] Name=Always Have Big Shotgun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,07 [21] Name=Always Have mission PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,08 [22] Name=Always Have Big Flame Shot PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,09 [23] Name=Always Have Heavy Machine Gun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,0A [24] Name=Always Have Big Laser Gun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,0B [25] Name=Always Have Big MSgun PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,0C [26] Name=Always Have Rocket Launcher PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,0D [27] Name=Always Have Drop Shot PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,0E [28] Name=Always Have Cannon PL1 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D455,0F [29] Name=Infinite Lives PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100B04,09 [30] Name=Infinite Bombs PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D466,0A,10DD0A,0A [31] Name=Always Have Normal Bomb PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D467,01 [32] Name=Always Have Fire Bomb PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D467,02 [33] Name=Always Have Rock Bomb PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D467,03 [34] Name=Invincibility PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100E08,40 [35] Name=Infinite Arms PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D46D,FF,10D46C,FF [36] Name=Pig Freeze PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100E47,01 [37] Name= Char Select - MARCO PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100B05,00 [38] Name= Char Select - TARMA PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100B05,01 [39] Name= Char Select - ERI PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100B05,02 [40] Name= Char Select - FIO PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,100B05,03 [41] Name=Always Have Normal Gun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,00 [42] Name=Always Have Machine Gun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,01 [43] Name=Always Have Shotgun Gun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,02 [44] Name=Always Have MSGun Gun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,03 [45] Name=Always Have Flame Shot PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,04 [46] Name=Always Have Big Machine Gun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,05 [47] Name=Always Have Laser Gun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,06 [48] Name=Always Have Big Shotgun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,07 [49] Name=Always Have mission PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,08 [50] Name=Always Have Big Flame Shot PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,09 [51] Name=Always Have Heavy Machine Gun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,0A [52] Name=Always Have Big Laser Gun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,0B [53] Name=Always Have Big MSgun PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,0C [54] Name=Always Have Rocket Launcher PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,0D [55] Name=Always Have Drop Shot PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,0E [56] Name=Always Have Cannon PL2 0=No,0,0 1=Yes,10D465,0F
  13. my mame compile uses uni-bios.12 along with normal bios
  14. so much for this being a news thread
  15. all these hacked roms are pissing me off but anyway i am happy it works in mame Both rom sets
  16. just do not expect that emulator to play any other neogeo roms
  17. Same here... especially after James compiled a command line version. I can now use it with emuloader! Yay! Although I can't seem to find Power Instinct Matrimelee listed. Am I just missing something? look for Tokon that should help and rename your rom to matr.zip
  18. it was good Gamecop gave him the chance to proove that he was not lying. i had my doubts from the start as many did and thats why i posted my pics to proove that his screen shots were indeed fake . i only trust a few sources for roms these days . as there is alot of wankers out there who put out fake roms . just to piss people off .
  19. well it would be nice if you shared the link for that rom on kawaks
  20. yeah the new p rom is only for the new hacked nrx
  21. your rom sets have the wrong roms thats for sure you are also missing a file from the neogeo.zip (bios) samsho5.zip 270-p1.bin", CRC(611a6687) is needed 270-c2.bin", CRC(7b444985) is needed and theres no point updating roms in mame unless you know for sure the emulator needs them.... changing the roms will mess it up . in any case you should allways keep a back up . mame roms are in bin format and use numbers instead of letters. when did you download mame32 78.1b ? as it was updated yesterday. http://members.westnet.com.au/the%2Dkula/mame.html mame32 78.1b is my compile if you have AIM please contact me my screen name is jlaing14 ......
  22. if you have a FTP server or something like that i can then upload the rom you need just let me know the details but not here send me a private message
  23. too big for email then what do u suggest ? AIM maybe ?
  24. read the last few pages of this thread there were cheats posted on here which lets you play poppy and others which emulator do you use ? and those cheats i have posted for mame nebula kawaks have been tested and work fine
  25. too big for email
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