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Everything posted by hicaow
oooooo 720! .. may i please get a link to the beta build :]
720p awesome! .. thanx alot for your continued work on this great project! does the midway driver rollback mean sound for narc ? .. that would be cool .. thanx again!
world of goo .. its actually IMO the best wiiware game released yet.
thanx for your continued great work! don't forget to add HD to the list :]
nice job! works great , thanx to everyone involved :] 2 things .. Super Sprint the cars still drive themselves .. fix is turn down pedal sensitivity under analog controls to around 20 .. and can we get rapid fire ? :] oh and what about the HD version you mentioned ? :] thanx again!
how are the racing games mapped now ? .. Ivan Stewart and such ..
sweet!! always look forward to your releases , and with narc!! awww ya .. thanx BP.
try to get a quality set .. the original MS ones and the monster are the 2 best i've used , and i use them every day :] .. i love XBMC in HD! .. i bought a set the other day for a friend at EBGames (canada) and they were cheapy cheapy with a switch to go from SD to HD , they were junk, lots of ghosting .. original .. http://www.kanection.co.uk/images/xbox/hig...ck-contents.jpg and .. http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/playcom/XBOX_HDAV_PACK_001.jpg these are 'ok' .. http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/1386/xb...blelargerd5.jpg not great tho .. these are the best IMO .. http://www.computercablestore.com/images/p...Inc/WM-6884.jpg
Hot Rod dial needs to be set as left and right d-pad , pedal as A ..
Golden Tee Golf 2 couldn't even make the controls work .. golfs for you , never stops picking a club. has to do with dial sensitivity.
Danny Sullivans Indy Heat controls need to be switched similar to above .. dial needs to be left and right , pedal A , button 1 X .. under analog controls pedal sensitivity needs to be around 20.
IronMan Super Offroad and track pack (2 games) both controls are a mess .. dial needs to be set left and right on the D-pad for all players. pedal needs to be set as A .. the other button X .. under analog controls sensitivity has to be 5 or the car will drive itself.
the controls for Super Sprint are a mess .. pedal needs to be changed to right trigger. steering needs to be changed to dial 1 is left , dial 2 right on the Dpad. under analog controls the pedal sensitivity has to be 10 or the car drives itself , which its not supposed to do. edit : Championship Sprint is Super Sprint 2 , same key issues apply to it as well.
would it be possible to somehow mark / label the games with no sound so you know which ones ? the GUI looks good.
please release this BP .. theirs tons of us that love your work.
the game 'exciting hour' doesn't work .. mamedox with arcades 1 patch .. it spews out a whole bunch of file not found errors .. 720p would be sweet :]
another game for mameox .. 'blades of steel' .. good fun :]
cool mod .. original skin is here .. http://www.xboxmediacenter.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26995
you can do both .. wireless isn't recommended and to use it you need a wireless gaming adapter (ex. MN-740) .. cable is the best way .. are you planning on using XLink ? .. lemme know if you need any help setting it up.
what changed that narc used to work back in old mame-x ? .. maybe it's worth trying narc3.zip which is rev 3.20 .. narc.zip is revision 7 .. hey take your time , i'm just pointing out some things i've seen as i use .. no worries :]
already have it ..
just started using mamedox today and i must say i love it , thank you. i found a few bugs, gasp! :] .. tested on 2 different xboxs with the arcades patch .. Ironman Offroad offroad.zip .. the controls are a mess , the steering and gas are mapped to a trigger! ..edit: works best with right trigger as gas and A nitro with pad or stick steering .. SuperSprint and its clone , i forget the name , its in their tho.. for some reason the cars drive themselves .. its not supposed to do that i don't think .. edit: another note.. the games Knights of Valour and Knights of Valour Plus have the same screenshot .. now for some games! Narc .. narc.zip ..classic arcade game , works in mame-x perfect .. works in other mameox versions i've tried but it stutters .. will test in mamedox and report back. Miss World '96 Nude .. missw96.zip .. ya it has nude girls but its actually a pretty fun game .. Ironman Stewart's Super Off-Road Track Pack .. offroadt.zip .. its not a clone of the offroad thats already there , more tracks and cars .. all for now :]
Could we ever see a proper xbox emu online server
hicaow replied to trev1976's topic in XBOX Hacks [/xbox]
theirs this guide to getting xbox emulators online .. http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23968 its not using XLink , thats just where the guide is .. it would be cool if the emulators for the xbox had true xbox 'system link' .. kaillera would be cool to .. -
ya theirs already one for the PSP.. XBMC runs a webserver.. the new kai will have a webserver as well, i wonder if i can get a toaster with a webserver.. haha.. bring on the WiFI apps!!
i use xlink kai.. i also just got my DS Supercard and am looking into DS homebrew.. i found Win2DS!! i can now use xlink kai from my DS :].. everyone get xlink, xbconnect sux.. www.teamxlink.co.uk