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Everything posted by MaxBebop

  1. St. Anger makes you fall in love with there sound all over again
  2. prodution art of the live action film. This is the first volume of the director's cut
  3. I think I'll get it too
  4. DUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! You ARE SOOOO right!!!!!
  5. Check out DiscountAnimeDVD.com
  6. If you'r gona buy the DVD's to Cowboy Bebop... get the movie too... Knocking on Heaven's Door, it so cool..... and don't freak out, it doesn't take place after the series, it takes place between episodes 22 & 23....Thats what the article in New Type magazine said....... Also if you get the funds and time pick up the Cowboy Bebop music CD's, theres like 7 albums, one of them is a 4 disc set......DUDE!!!! If you love the show. You'll love the Movie and Music....... Oh I forgot to mention, The Movie is being play on Shotime or Cinemax on cable or satalite... Keep an eye out for it........Oh......but it's English dubed not Jap W/Sub Which I think SUCKS ...... I prefer Japanese track with Eng/Sub....... But who cares what I think?!!!! ..........Enjoy...
  7. Where can I see this KOF..... Please tell
  8. You can order the entire series from Discount Aime DVD.com Or you can get it from Suncoast.com the box set of DVDs.... Check it out
  9. Okay just tell me what I need to do I'm new when it comes to working with ISOs
  10. Can anyone tell me how to run the games at normal game speed on this Emu. So far I have to hold down the number 1 button in order for the game to run at its normal speed.... Do I have to config the Emu in any way ? Please Help
  11. How can I get The Games o run at normal game speed?
  12. There's a guide for this game posted on GameFaqs.com I have this game for PSX.... Have'nt finished it yet but with the guide I made it to the tournament and got to unlock all the characters....
  13. I like Every thing accept anchovies and olives, if I'm low on funds I get half sausage and half pepperoni but the best pizza I ever had was from a place called Gino's Pizza in Whittier CA. ( I'm from L.A. CA) their large is about 5 feet wide... ... HEH Thats a BIG Pizza.... with the works!!!!!!! it'll feed all the people on this thread...... well not all... but I can gaurantee It'll feed all your buds for a Super Bowl party or any other party.......
  14. Is there a guide on how to use MUGEN out there? or has anybody written a FAQ? cause I need help and some tricks of the trade....... Thanks
  15. Hey Bro I'm from L.A....Montebello exactly... Wheres the game located?
  16. If anybody out there knows any of the code for these games please post them here the game are Super Robot wars A, R, and Original Genaration Thanks
  17. I use a regular PSX controller and a PSX arcade stick from Pelican, which is available at a local game store.... In order to use these controllers I got a PSX/USB adapter from Radio Shack for like 10 bucks..
  18. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KOF 2003!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Before you start. make sure you go to options in MAME, select "default game options," go to controllers and check the box that says "enable joystick input." Then exit and restart MAME, then start a game up.... Once the game is runnig, pause then hit the "TAB" key, then select "input general," from there just select the buttons you want as your "coin, "start," "button 1, 2, etc"...... Once done the system will save the data input for all the games....... Enjoy......
  20. Never mind on my question I got mslug5 to work and eun on MAME Thanks which mame ? press F2 for the dipswitches for the game MAME 32v. 78 1b
  21. Never mind on my question I got mslug5 to work and eun on MAME Thanks
  22. My first was Fatal Fury for NeorageX....
  23. Does anybody know where I can get the MSLUG5 driver for MAME 78?
  24. I cant get my MAME 78 to detect it what do I need to do?
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