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Everything posted by MaxBebop

  1. Thanks Gamecop I now got the perfect ringtones for my phone
  2. Greetings Programs I'm MaxBebop, and I hail from Los Angeles, California...... I'm a 22 year old student and Im a gamer like everyone here, I love all types of games (except sport games).but I especialy love Neo Geo games, fighting games and import games, currently I'm enjoying SVC for PS2 and just finished Biohazard Outbreak for PS2......... Besides playing games, I like to spend time working on my music, going out to the movies, kicking back with my friends and knock back a few cold ones............ Alright then, thats enough about me, I'll see you all around here at the boards..........Hasta
  3. James I cant seem to get SamSho5 to work on MaMe or NeOrAgEX Please James help
  4. Sorry Bro... I still get the same screen.... can you tell me what you did ?
  5. I renamed the roms to work on NeoRageX as it starts it shows the warning screen of mild violence insert coin then it shows a screen that says Warning and below it Bank Error..... What does this mean? someone Help...
  6. It seems to be the right size and has all the roms that it should have.... I loaded it in NeoRageX but all i get is the warning screen... anybody else have this same problem?
  7. CAN ANYBODY GET THIS GAME TO WORK ON MAME 77?????? if so please help, I tried MAME 78 but it seems to not detect my NEO games.... HELP......
  8. The link for the V&M1 roms seems to be down can somone post a new link?
  9. What should they look like for MAME? same as the nebula kawaks rom set it uses the same roms MAME32 0.78.1b ystem: NEO RomName: samsho5 Game: Samurai Shodown 5 [Program] 270-p1.bin,0,800000,611A6687,0 [Text] 270-s1.bin,0,20000,33227D62,0 [Z80] 270-m1.bin,0,20000,18114FB1,0 [samples] 270-v1.bin,0,400000,6849136C,0 270-v2.bin,400000,400000,222E1774,0 270-v3.bin,800000,400000,CD9E7ADC,0 270-v4.bin,C00000,400000,8B305CAC,0 [Graphics] 270-c1.bin,0,800000,4E7BDEA1,0 270-c2.bin,1,800000,7B444985,0 270-c3.bin,1000000,800000,8C709A9B,0 270-c4.bin,1000001,800000,CFD53F5C,0 270-c5.bin,2000000,800000,C026D318,0 270-c6.bin,2000001,800000,B3D9D204,0 270-c7.bin,3000000,800000,FE03A025,0 270-c8.bin,3000001,800000,89DB2D34,0 [system] CartridgeID: 270 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0 hey James I installed the new MAME32.78 from the link you provided and it doesn't detect almost all my NEO GEO games.... I may need the new bios... It asks for a UNI.BIOS.............please HELP ME!!!!!
  10. What should they look like for MAME?
  11. Ok............Neo Tools is dead NeoGamez..........no good either can someone post a working link to get this game?......... please help thanks
  12. James In my first question. I meant by asking how you got Shin Gouki & Takuma, Athena and Red Arremer (forgive my spelling) to show up on the character select screen for SVCPLS....
  13. i use mame and mostly play svc and so far there is no bugs in the game and thats with the blood enabled. svcbl: no hidden bosses svcplus: hack hidden bosses can be selected Hey James Its me again..... How can I get the SVCPLS to display the hidden bosses also I need to fix SVC so the KO and flame colors can be corrected, and Iori's DM to cause damage..........Please help!!! looks like you put the p1 rom in the wrong rom set the new p1 rom is for the svc rom set not the svcplus where it says Download sVcPlus (M1,S1,P1 Rom Fixes Pack) For MAME click that link and only use the p1 rom from the fixes and paste into the svcplus.zip all fixes can be found here http://svcmame.cjb.net/ also where it says Download 269-m1 11-15-03.zip (FOR sVcPLUS).zip this m1 is also for the svc Hey James Thanks..........but The M1 fixed the "KO" colors... But Iori's flame still shows the opponent yellow..and Iori's second DM does not inflict damage......... What did I do wrong?
  14. i use mame and mostly play svc and so far there is no bugs in the game and thats with the blood enabled. svcbl: no hidden bosses svcplus: hack hidden bosses can be selected Hey James Its me again..... How can I get the SVCPLS to display the hidden bosses also I need to fix SVC so the KO and flame colors can be corrected, and Iori's DM to cause damage..........Please help!!!
  15. Sorry, been gone for sometime Are the fixes for the Original version out?
  16. Hey GameCop or James Has the new fixes for SVC original come into play yet?
  17. Im waiting on Samurai Shodown 5 The screenshots are a big tease
  18. ???What cant work???
  19. Hey James Put the original p1 rom in the svc mame rom had to use the updated m1 rom to make the game work LOOKS GOOD!!!!!! only it has the minor flaws from svcplus when it first came out It looks like it has just three flaws The "KO" letters are discolored, When Blue Flames hit opponent he turns into the orange flame color and the dreded "no damage" from Iori's "Saku Tsumagushi" DM can you show me how to fix these errors? Thanks Again
  20. rename from svc-p1.rom to 269-p1.bin do this for all the roms in the archive
  21. Hey drifterzzz GameCop showed me how to do this Unzip the rom ( I recommend unzipping in a new folder ) open the folder then click on tools - folder options - view - then uncheck "Hide extentions for known file types..... then rename and zip... thats all
  22. if you know where to download the original i will be able to compare and add a driver for mame i think this is not the original as some people are renameing the svcplus to svc since the plus was removed if the svc thats said to be original has 6 rows of players to select from then its still the bootleg Hey James It turns out that this should be the original p1 rom for Kawaks 1.46 I dont have this emu. so could you test it? Its available here
  23. Well just download the rom like GameCop said it should be 40.1 mb no more no less then download the updated MAME emu and m1 rom from James on page 24 Otherwise PM me or contact me via E-mail I have it posted sorry for the late reply
  24. For all the guys who are having trouble with this game a kawaks and nebula try to run it on MAME just rename the roms go to page 14 of this topic James has a picture of what the roms should look like after the change, hes the one who got it to run on MAME..................(PRAISE JAMES) unzip the roms rename them (for example: svc_p1.rom to 269_p1.bin) just follow the example of the romcenter pic... zip them back and run on MAME Thats it...... Again all credit gose to James,and GameCop was a big help to me too... (ALL HAIL GAMECOP) PS. This is just a tip.... Just try it on MAME.....I think its much bettter... LATES
  25. ALLRIGHT!!!!!!! James, you kick ass The new MAME works great with the game It fixed the voices for Geese, Demitri,Rockman,MarsPeople and Violent Ken's taunt.... This game is so BADASS!!!!!! Thanks a bunch..... I also have seen that the original is on Kawaks...... will this be available for MAME or NeorageX???? Thanks Again!!!
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