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Everything posted by qw3rty
Hi, My problem : NDS and PC are both in the same LAN. As soon as windows sends out a ARP-request (win does this on a regular basis with all dynamic ARP-table entries) the NDS stops receiving (or sending ?! can't remember right now) all messages. This bug has been in the WiFi-Lib since the beginning. I worked around that bug, by giving my NDS a static ARP-enty. Maybe the CVS-team could try to find that bug and eliminate it ?
Yes, I got the questiopn right ! Blubb was tested with two NDS's, both in the SAME network (one AP, both NDS's connected to it, communicating with each other) KnightOfDragon, did you use different ports on each NDS ? (that's very important, if you are on the same network !)
Yes, an early version of blubb was succesfully tested on W-LAN. (one AP, wifi-lib 0.2)
I use UDP - I haven't put much work into blubb, after the new lib was released (to much work with my bees - they need much attention this time of the year)
Yes, but I didn't start to include it yet (I have looked into voice-codecs a little, LPC10 or ADPCM should be fast enough maybe) I had to much to work in the last weeks - no time to program
My new router is causing problems - it needs to be reset from time to time... I did it yesterday - it seems like it crashed again.... (the new router was supposed to FIX the problems I had with my NDS....I'll buy only quality hardware in the future...grrr )
I will, if I'm not disqualified because of the beta I released in this topic
Great work Nice idea to use servo's to physically push the buttons, when you simply could have opened the xbox-controller to close the contact on the controller-board We want to see a "NDS/PSP to KEYBOARD"
Yes, the calibration is VERY bad It's on top of my to-do list. I have updated the download on my page - the new version should work with portmapping activated again ! (I screwed up something in the startup-communication for direct-conenct games) http://qwerty.servebeer.com/lobby-BLUBB.rar
Sorry guys, I already had a bug in the lobby.... But thanks to you I was able to figure out why (although you haven't noticed helping me ) I hope now it should work P.S: still many bugs in the lobby If you want to play a stable game, forward the ports 9999 and 10000 UDP. The server-based game isn't properly bugfixed yet....but feel free to connect anytime (I'll be hanging around in the lobby with my NDS and wait for beta-testers, whenever I am at my PC )
I have the first LOBBY VERSION online I'm sure there are still lots of bugs to fix, but I need many testers now. Download at : http://qwerty.servebeer.com/lobby-BLUBB.rar Portmapping isn't necessary, although preffered by me, because it limits bandwith usage. Features : -Server-based savegames. Your NDS will be recognized at logon (don't worry, I won't save any personal data of your NDS) -Top Ten : "games won %" / "hits %" ; your user has to have at least 3 games + 1 game per week registerd, to be on the list. -Lobby-Broadcast Chat -Invite other players Explanation of the user-list : a "P" in front means "private", that means a user doesn't accept games of random users. a "O" in front means "open" - the player accepts games from anyone. If you press on "play" in the lobby-menu, you change your state to "open" (that's similar to nintendo's "worldwide" setting). Invitations are automatically acknowledged by "open" players. If the username is in brackets, the player is away playing a round of blubb - he won't receive the lobby-messages, nor can he send messages to the lobby. See you in the lobby
Portmapping won't be necessary in the lobby-release (which should this weekend !) Although it is prefered by me, because it saves bandwith, and that mode is thoroughly tested.(I may include VoIP for port-mapping users in a later version, as a little bonus....however I can't include that for non-port-mapping users, because of my bandwith !) Slosha, I would try, if you can get it to work with the "incoming" area only. Maybe you have a tab in your routers setup called "virtual server" - that's how it is called on my router....but every router is a little different.
I have included the new wifi-library. WEP & DHCP should work now. Blubb uses connection settings #1, edit them with an official online Game (e.g. Mario Kart) http://qwerty.servebeer.com/WIFI-BLUBB.rar
Hi, I want to inform you, that the work is progressing in huge steps. The lobby should be ready for first public release in about a week I hope... If you can't wait that long, feel free to contact me - I'm in need of beta-testers, even more now, because I need at least 3 users connected to the lobby, to test broadcast-messages. My Contact Information can be found in the first post in this thread. I have updated the download on my page too....that will be the last non-lobby version. The main change is, that the images are compressed now...transfer should be faster.
Small Update : - 5 times faster zoom-out function - fixed some glitches. Next Update will include LOBBY ! (I'll start working on it NOW !) I hope the first test-verson will be ready in the next two days.
I'll begin working on the lobby next week, that should solve your problem, fireblood. Why a standalone chat-client ? You don't have to play the game, to chat And I will include lobby chat, so you will be able to chat with more people at once
There's no need for a tunneling app, it already works on the internet without any tricks or programs (Or maybe I didn't get, what you were asking )
Yet another update : -fixed network-code again -zoomed out view of the message history included (Press SELECT to switch zoom-mode) -thicker pens included (click on pen again, after it's been selected, to change thickness) most important point on the to-do-list : -TEST, TEST and TEST (I need YOU ! send me a message, or contact me via instant messenger) CLICK TO DOWNLOAD Contact me at : dreamflat@hotmail.com (MSN-messenger and eMail) or ICQ : 157831620
The downloads on my page have been updated again. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD NEW VERSION Robert, you are right - I should release it with proper version numbers....but it was in such an unstable state in the past, I didn't want to release it yet.... Changes since last post : - Incuded message history - check for lost packets in the chat included (message history should be concurrent in most situations) - login code enhanced (it didn't properly start over in case of failure in the past versions) - fixed MANY bugs in the network code To-Do : - too much to list here (zoomed out view of message history, lobby, bigger pens, etc....)
New version on my site....http://qwerty.servebeer.com/WIFI-BLUBB.rar
After one week of trying to fix blubb with one socket, I gave up, and included an extra socket exclusively for the chat. You have to forward port 9999 & 10000 on the server side now (still NO portforwarding needed on the client side), but it should be much more stable now (I have yet to see a crash, but I haven't played too much test-matches yet) Download the new version on my page : http://qwerty.servebeer.com/WIFI-BLUBB.rar
I have a new version on my page, I just played it, and it didn't crash so far (fingers crossed, that it stays that way) Download the NEW version at : http://qwerty.servebeer.com/WIFI-BLUBB.rar P.S. : Another minor update : -included sound when a message is sent / received -sent message is cleared (you can get it back with "X" though) P.P.S : The non-lobby version release should be within a week - tell me what you like and dislike, feature requests, etc. that I can try to include everything. To-Do for the non-lobby version : -Use Nick from firmware for online matches -Implement saving of the statistics (maybe I won't include this untill the lobby-version, in which I plan to implement server-sided save-states) -Enhance menu-graphics (mainly the chat-window) -Enhance the reading of the touch screen (especially on very light pressures) -fix various bugs (Round isn't increased on the client side etc.)
I have updated the binary on my page. Now the messages should be transferred completely, and it could work in both directions (untested), although it may crash the game, as soon the waiting player sends a message. If chatting works both ways, without crashing the game, please add a reply to this topic.
I have implemented picture-chat now ! But it isn't tested yet....but at least it shouldn't crash the program. If anybody tries the chat, and it WOKRS, please tell me. Updated DOWNLOAD EDIT : I just verifies, that the chat gets transferred, although there are parts of the message missing on the bottom.
I just updated the binary on my site. It doesn't need portmapping on the clientside anymore Sgstair, using a DIFFERENT port on the client side solved the porblems. THANK YOU I'm currently trying to implement the chat....maybe tomorow we'll have pictochat functionality EDIT : I updated the download on my page - I included a sneak-a-peek preview of the chat-interface....however - sending messages isn't implemented yet. But you can already draw nice pictures