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Everything posted by qw3rty

  1. Thanks I could need a hug from your sister If anybody has time, I urgently need testers. Contact me via messenger : MSN : dreamflat@hotmail.com ICQ : 157831620
  2. Huh - why does a random port work ? Is it enough, if I use a DIFFERENT port for the client ? btw. I open ONE port right after connecting to the AP, and never close it. P.S. : The binary on my webpage was just updated - the end of the game shouldn't crash the server anymore, and I fixed the statistics. Some minor cosmetical fixes included too (you don't have to input the serverIP again for new matches.) P.P.S. : kudos to you Stephen for your work on the wifi-lib You made my dream of online-Blubb possible... THANK YOU !
  3. Hi, The game is already working online, but I haven't included a lobby yet. You can only play in "direct connect" mode - that means you have to know one NDS's public IP, and enter that on the client side. There are still some bugs though (it crashes at the end of the match on the server side,when the statistics are shown, but that should be fixed in a few hours), but it works quite well during the match. You can download the binary HERE. As soon I have eliminated all problems of the online-mode, I'm gonna implement a lobby.... Gameplay : Blubb is a mix of Battleships and Minesweeper. Each player has four ships with different attributes at the beginning. The ships use, unlike battleships, only one square per ship. In each round, you can either move a ship, or shoot with a ship. To move a ship, click on it (with A), then move with the d-pad. You have to use ALL your movepoints. To shoot, click on the ship you want to shoot, then DON'T move, but click "A" again.You can only shoot on the adjacent fields. If you miss, the NDS will tell you how much ships of the enemy are in proximity. If you know minesweeper, you'll soon know how to find your enemy. How to connect to another NDS : Blubb uses the firmware-connection-setting (currently only #1 !), use mariokart or any other online-game to configure the settings. You have to use (as usual) : -no WEP -Static IP -Static DNS (not important, because I don't use DNS yet) Blubb uses port 9999 UDP, BOTH parties, the client and the server have to forward that port to their NDS. I have not implemented a lobby yet, that means, that you have to have a date with another NDS-player. To connect : Click on "NETPLAY" in the main menu, then choose either server or client (one side must be server, the other client). The client is asked for the servers public IP then - so the person who is server must tell the client his IP (through an instant messenger for example). The server-side should start the netgame FIRST (so it is already listening on port 9999 when the client connects) - it should work anyways, but just to be sure, try to start the netplay in the proper order) Please tell me what you like, and more important, the things you dislike. You can contact me on MSN-messenger at dreamflat@hotmail.com, I'm allways searching for testers (bugfixing the online part is a tedious job - I can need any help I can get ) P.S. : Is there anyone, who knows, why I have to forward port 9999 on the client side too ? This is how I connect : -the client sends his login packet from clientIP:9999 to serverIP:9999 -The server send his answer from serverIP:9999 to clientIP:9999. If I don'T have portmapping activated on the client side, the answer doesn't come through.... I thought the router should now where to send the packet, because it came back from the same port to the same port ?! It seems to work in wifichat too....Bafio, anybody ?
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