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  1. 03 cuz i see triple tag team.
  2. the game vary extremely. moves are taken away/modified significantly each time. 4 has that 14 hit combo ownage thing and all. i need 5......
  3. i vote matrimelee for worst because i want to kill someone every time i hear/see every song/level on that game. if its not a stadium full of ppl waving glowsticks at a girl singing and playing guitar on a swing that follows you, its the damn alien level, or the one about what appears to be internet pedophiles. or the damn pope girl on the with the wedding march music.
  4. yes. 50$ soldierless modchip, a bigger HD, and a cat 5 cable from ur computer to the xbox. anyway, i trried nebula again and its still not recognizing them.
  5. anyway, i played Matrimelee, Rage of the Dragons, Kof2002, SVC chaos plus etc on the new kawaX on my friends xbox last nite until about 4 am. i got the roms off him and now i need to get an emulator that can run above mentioned games on my PC. i still have "Nebula223FIX(PLAYS@20ALL)" but it doesnt seem to recognize anything but SVC. apparently Kawaks doesnt run too well in win2k, or atleast the hacked ones dont, that's why i got nebula in the first place. Has there been a newly hacked nebula that i dont know about? im really itching to try these roms on my computer. thanks in advance.
  6. how abouts would i go gettin the rom to werk in mame32? sorry, ima n00b to the whole DAT thing...
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