Well, I got a chance to play this game today, and I must say that I'm horribly dissapointed. For starters, the game plays like crap! It's very hard to do combos, and the game feels very heavy. The animation is terrible, way worse than 94. The reason for this is obvious, the Neo geo was not meant to support 6 characters in the ram at the same time. Sadly I could not hear the music, so I can't comment. The new characters are lame and overpowered. Man new strange moves, and nerfing of old ones. Seems like there 3 different types of last bosses - fought against one of Rugal's sons one time - the other time I fought against Chisuru and her sister, then after her a new "stone petrifier" character. Don't remember his name. Overall this game series has really lost it, and it would have been so much better if this was made on the Niomi board.