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Everything posted by Talos

  1. As the title suggests, does anyone know whether or not the arcade version of this rom has been released yet? If so, does anyone happpen to know where to get it? Thanks.
  2. Well, I got a chance to play this game today, and I must say that I'm horribly dissapointed. For starters, the game plays like crap! It's very hard to do combos, and the game feels very heavy. The animation is terrible, way worse than 94. The reason for this is obvious, the Neo geo was not meant to support 6 characters in the ram at the same time. Sadly I could not hear the music, so I can't comment. The new characters are lame and overpowered. Man new strange moves, and nerfing of old ones. Seems like there 3 different types of last bosses - fought against one of Rugal's sons one time - the other time I fought against Chisuru and her sister, then after her a new "stone petrifier" character. Don't remember his name. Overall this game series has really lost it, and it would have been so much better if this was made on the Niomi board.
  3. I would love to have time to read through the 24 pages James, but I don't. Thanks for the link.
  4. Hi I downloaded one of the zips above, and got the crappy dos mame runner for this game. Does anyone have an updated version of mame 32 so that I can run Metal slug from that? Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the codes James. However when I do run my Kawaks version of the rom in this Neorage version, I can't hear any of the sound effects save for the music. Is there any way to fix this up? Thanks.
  6. Hey James; I downloaded that new Neorage X, but whenever I try to run the program it tells me that I need a security key to run it. Do you happen to have this, or know of any way to bypass this. Thanks
  7. Alright then, since I have the Plus version of the rom, why aren't the Last boss cheats working? And James, everytime I try out those links for the new mame and rom fix, it keeps telling me I need a password or something - can you provide one? Also, I to am interested in finding out more about Kalliera, could someone explain to me how it works exactly? Thanks
  8. 6 Rows.
  9. James, link still does not work. In reply to MaxBebop, I think I've gotten the svcPlus version. The filename is called SVC yet I don't see a plus sign on the intro.
  10. James, That link doesn't seem to work, or it may need a password for entry. It tells me that the folder is empty
  11. James, That link doesn't seem to work, or it may need a password for entry.
  12. Alright, I hope I'm not bugging you guys so much by asking this, but... Anyway I've downloaded the cheat.dat file, made the corrections as according to james post above, and have enabled cheats active for the SVC Rom. Now, how do I go about selecting the bosses? I went in to play the game, but I only see the standard 28 character select screen. Again, much help would be appreciated.
  13. MaxBebop; I understand the process outlined, however I don't have a "Cheats.dat" file at all. However, would it be ok to just make a cheats.dat with the information posted by James? Now I've already done this, yet where in James' version of mame do I select to enable the cheat options? Again. Thanks.
  14. Alright, however James you did not answer my question on how to implement the Cheat file to use the last bosses for the mame version of the game. So, basically I download this file: -Updated Cheats File After Patch Then after this, where do I put this text file? Do I just slip it into the zipped up rom directory, or do I have to do something more with this? Also, if possible, is there a way to use the bosses in the kawaks version of SVC? Many Thanks.
  15. I've downloaded all of these files, how do I go about implementing them into the game? Updated MAME Driver After Patch *CREDITS: James* Updated Cheats File After Patch *CREDITS: James* Updated Universal MAME/Nebula/WinKawaks DAT File After Patch
  16. So, how would one go about playing as the boss characters for the mame version of the game?
  17. James, where do I get the latest Neogeo drivers from? EDIT: Scrap what I said, I've got it working through Romcenter now. However, is there a way to run with James' new mame? For some reason it never detects it??? EDIT EDIT: I've got it working under Mame now - for some reason it doesn't detect the game in the Available games mode, so I had to switch to all games. Many thanks for everyone's help.
  18. EDIT: I reinstalled Romcenter, and the program now works. However, when I run SNKplus, I get the following missing files error: sfix.sfx NOT FOUND sp-s2.sp1 NOT FOUND sm1.sm1 NOT FOUND 000-lo.lo NOT FOUND Am I supposed to be getting this? Thanks in advance
  19. Thanks for the help, but for some reason, although I've fixed the naming conventions, and got the new m1,p1 and s1 files, I still can't run it off of the new Mame. So I decided to try Romcenter 2.62, and for some reason, everytime I try to run it, it just closes the program automatically. I'm really pulling my hair out here...
  20. I'm terribly confused. I've just downloaded the rom from kofchile, and have gotten the new mame with the dat file from James' website, yet still cannot play the game. What do I have to do here? Also, if it doesn't work for mame, which emulator will that rom dump work for (kofchile)? Many thanks in advance. Regards.
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