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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. Morrowind maybe?
  2. I never liked Jay Leno very much so it's a welcome change, but the fallon thing... well like gryph said... sucks!
  3. Isn't there a thread about this somewhere in the forum? Anyways "good snes games" too many to tell in one post.
  4. All of the raid bosses in WoW are an absolute joke. If you actually lost a fight because you did something wrong, cancel your account and go play something more in tune with your skills, like Dr. Sudoku on Very Easy. I can understand maybe screwing up on something every once in a while, but those fights are 90% equipment and 10% getting 25 people together at the same time. Anyway, for a while I couldn't think of any really hard bosses, as my memory is sorta bad. But the Mega Man thing reminded me of the green devil from MMX5. Same thing, but green, and in X5. Always caused me problems. I think he had a few more abilities by that point, too, but the hard part for me was still dodging the little globby pieces of his body. You're right Ryder just told me he wouldn't have said that. My bad.
  5. If ryder would post he would say that some of the raid bosses in World of Warcraft.
  6. Ok, I guess you mean him: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=EJgSZ0p6dMg Was re-appearing in MM3 @final stages. He's ok the time you got the pattern right. But first time it's too much to handle properly . (Here http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=__vTGx0V4cA. I loved the boss music.) //edit: ah, now a got ya. You'r right, his eye was moving . Yeah I managed to defeat the one in Mega Man 3 a few times. It's the one in Mega Man that's darn impossible even when you learn the pattern. It's a lot harder than what that guy made it seem like, he's a pro.
  7. You talking bout MegaMan3? Or later X-series? I'm talking about the first Mega Man game. The Rock Monster or Yellow Devil. I managed to kill him once in my entire life after tons of tries, I didn't know the cheat
  8. Fighting the block yellow monster in Mega Man without the beam cheat.
  9. Most microsoft games are always ported to pc anyways. Gears of War, pinata whatever, so on.
  10. The ending bosses from the Ninja Gaiden games.
  11. Sonic used to be awesome until greedy Sega launched everything sonic and killed him
  12. A great game for it's time Phantasy Star Online
  13. Maybe someday we can actually use Media Player again... lol what a joke. The only media player by ms worth using is the classic one.
  14. Awesome. Get a chicken as soon as you can, then put the egg in the incubator so you dont have to buy chickens anymore. Also improve your rucksack as fast as you can, it will help you gather items in the mountain and mine.
  15. Nice now let's see if it does ok with my vidcard.
  16. Anyone test this yet? Did you find it better than other plugins?
  17. I could only play that game for hours if it was against friends or arcade vs someone else. I didn't think it was good enough or entertaining enough for single player.
  18. He looked very old on that vid The rope thing was crazy haha like yeah hit me I can take whatever you can dish out.
  19. If I could afford it I would have a PS3 by now. But I would probably never buy an Xbox360. IMO the PS3 will bury the Xbox360, the Wii is just a different creature so you can't really compare.
  20. I tried the guide and no luck. I can't get SA2 or Gigawing 2, or any other game that I've dl to work. Tried different media. I burned an utopia disc just to check if I was doing things right and it works fine. The cds work fine with chankast. I'm gona cry... All the games I've burned about 2 years ago still work though.
  21. Could you link both threads into one then to keep this going.
  22. What? pal or ntsc
  23. But the rom has that info not the other files right. Someone said it was the same as the roms on the net byte by byte right.
  24. I wonder what happens if you take the hacked wad then replace the pal rom file within it with an ntsc rom for the same game?
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