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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. From the size of the files I'm guessing each file comes with an emu. Unless the manual files are huge.
  2. Thank you Mr. Olaf. I'll give it a read.
  3. How is it done though? I think it will be patched soon. Most Ive seen are PAL anyways
  4. Ive used verbatim, sony, officedepot and others with no luck But older games Ive burned at 4x work perfect. I can't get a single one to work with my new burner though
  5. Im having trouble with my dc games, I have a dvd burner that can only burn CDRs at 12x min. So all the games have been coasters. Is there any way to slow it down to 4x? I used discjuggler and set it at 1x, 2x and 4x and it still burns at 12x no matter what I do
  6. You set a part of your hd for another os then you install winxp in it, then you can run your games from there. I used it to install win95 on an xp machine and it ran daggerfall great. So from windows vista you have a window that runs xp that runs your game
  7. LOL that's awesome. It's great how people have love for things that lead to great ideas.
  8. I've lived in two different cultures throughout my life. I've found that tolerance is a double edge sword. It complicates a problem if you tolerate or it alienates people if you don't. I think the best way is to let them know they are wrong and that they will not be tolerated but at the same time let them know that you will be their friends even if you chew them out once in a while.
  9. The best one imo is Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Of the classic ones of course. There are new ones for Game Cube and soon for the Wii. But I would start with one of the older ones. Friends of Mineral Town for the GBA is also good and it's almost a copy of Back To Nature but I dislike the fact that your animals get old and die It's a game darn it, they should live forever Stay away at first from the Game Boy Color ones or the Snes one since it's really good if you're a fan but very tedious. In third place I would play the N64 one The DS one is really good too but it has too many things that may overwhelm a beginning farmer.
  10. People with disorders can be difficult. Most of them already know they are difficult. Talk with him and tell him to try just a bit harder.
  11. I found nokia phones to be the most trusty and reliable of the bunch.
  12. virtual machine?
  13. Atari games except for arcade home versions like pacman, asteroids, space invaders and so on, mostly sucked monkey.
  14. Ogre Battle 64 is a strategy game with RPG elements.
  15. Ys Vanished Omen for the Sega Master System Awesome game if you can get used to running into enemies to attack them. Odd indeed. It's a classic though.
  16. Because it's great to turn on your Wii and have the games available at that moment. I have the Zeldas on a page and just looking at them is heaven
  17. These games are not the best but I've invested many hours in them, above any other games. Advance Wars I & 2 Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Chrono Trigger Ogre Battle Final Fantasy Tactics
  18. I think Final Fantasy won...
  19. I think there are 2 games already out for that.
  20. Maybe it's a bad choice but I found it good for leaving friends or heading out into the unknown.
  21. Chrono Trigger Dragon Quest V and VI translated Earthbound Harvestmoon 64 Super Mario All Stars (I wish)
  22. 1280x1024 since its the sharpest and highest my monitor will go.
  23. Sticky buttons are usually do to dust and dirt in the controller. So washing is a good idea like they mentioned here. Unless you have money to waste, it's probably the best choice.
  24. Great advantage. BTW are the loading times faster or the same?
  25. I believe that they do run at full speed. Most games run full speed, but there were a few games that didn't work for me. At the same time, I'm sure there is a newer version that plays more games now. GBA doesn't run well on PocketPcs so I was thinking of buying a psp to play those home brewed games of course On the Slim, I have not come across any bugs, slowdown whatsoever. Infact, with the way PSP fit comfortably in our hands, it plays much better thann the original GBA If the sound quality is good then I'm getting a psp, now I just have to figure out how to get past that pandora battery problem.
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