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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. I think Final Fantasy overall have more to show than Zelda since every Final Fantasy game is bit different. But I also enjoy Zelda because you expect the same things only in a better form with some improvements. But I think overall I have more hours on Zelda games than Final Fantasy.
  2. Oh boy. They are both so different it's hard to pick one. Both have good games. Some Zelda games are better than some Final Fantasy and some Final Fantasy are better than Zelda. Tough choice.
  3. I'm very glad to see you active here. In the back of mind, I always hoped to see many of the folks from Havoc one day posting here as well. A few guys I'd like to see here are Esco, Dpsx7 (this guy seems like one smart cookie), Madwon, and a few others. Of course, we have a lot of great characters already on 1Emulation. No one can reject new blood though. Thanks, I feel welcome now
  4. It sucks, if you look at how much effort the FBI puts into modders and piracy when they still can't catch the big drug lords or pervs. But the record companies and big firms move the world so it's for them that laws move faster.
  5. I joined 1emulation in November of 2003. I always wanted to be regular here but kept leaving things off until now and I just realized it's over 4 years later that I returned and I'm here as a regular. Time never stops...
  6. I think cops should exist to prevent crime, not to wait until it happens then act.
  7. You probably need a interface for the battery to load the hack directly from a pc. That's how the first one probably started.
  8. LOL but you can't download songs from the internet. Just like you can join the army and kill people but not drink until you're 21.
  9. I was wondering the same thing a while back. Yeah why do you guys call them pigs? I call them mothe....f.... to their faces when they try to pull me over.
  10. I believe that they do run at full speed. Most games run full speed, but there were a few games that didn't work for me. At the same time, I'm sure there is a newer version that plays more games now. GBA doesn't run well on PocketPcs so I was thinking of buying a psp to play those home brewed games of course
  11. I was thinking the same, where the hell am I going to find a hacked psp around here.
  12. I guess now the thing is how to put that all back together with your Wii id?
  13. How do gba games run on the PSP? Full speed? sound? glitched?
  14. You can dl one of those files on known sites and use a tool to extract. At the guy who published the videos site.
  15. Go even further retro and try Famicom Wars on the NES/Famicom That's the first one I tried, The computers really cheap in it though Thanks I think I saw a translated version of it somewhere I'll give it a try. I also want to try the robot war games. I sure it's very similar play.
  16. I've only played part 1, it was scary the first time you find things out. I think it would be a great title on the Wii though.
  17. Besides the games imagine that we could make our own channels with home brew apps to play videos in different codecs, music, keep track of many things on the net like blogs and so on and all without mod chips. it would be rocking. Also I'm sure Nintendo expected this. But to be truthful how many people really have the knowledge or time to transfer the games, make the hack for their wii, and so on. To many US consumers 5 bucks is worth not having to do it. I think Nintendo expects that laziness will keep the VC going Hacking hasn't killed the psp at all, its more like the other way around, psp sales have been well since people knew what they could do with it.
  18. I read somewhere that making prank calls to 911 was illegal. If they know your number they can trace you and make you responsible can't they?
  19. I'm still in a retro gaming binge... I'm working still on Game Boy Wars 2. Which looks like Advance Wars granddaddy. It's not as fun but the strategy element is still in there. Although I dislike the computers overpower tactics instead of finding a better path.
  20. Why is it that the rom shows up on emus as a bad checksum?
  21. Yes I do, often. I use my PocketPC for retro games. I've found that a mix of Morphgear and SmartGear can play most games. I do wish there was a GBA for PPC with sound and almost full speed. It would make me very happy 0_-
  22. IMO Akira is not the best out there but it really showed me what animation could achieve.
  23. I think some of these are already at some share site... I don't want the VC to die I want more releases before this happens >_<
  24. Looks interesting. Is there a remake? I saw a site with what it seemed like a new show.
  25. Long animes suck. Why? Because more than half of the show is just fillers and stupid episodes about someones dog, cat, lost item, special days or whatever. But it's not the rule in anime, there are many out there that have few or no fillers. Most of these last 25 eps or less. BTW I'm a huge fan of anime and I think Naruto sucks monkey.
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