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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. Slight update on that. There are emulators (specifically a Snes and Megadrive one atm in reference to VC and roms) working on un-modded Wii's using the Twilight Hack, with the possibility of an N64 emulator reported but I have not seen myself. At this point in time all you need is a copy of Zelda:TP, an SD card (+ reader for pc obviously) and gc controller(for the time being). check out wiibrew on the net. Did you read my whole post. You sort of took it out of context "At this point it's not possible to play pirated games on your Wii. Not even roms. You would require to mod your Wii, which would probably cause problems with the firmware, and run an emulator in game cube mode.
  2. Answer to LSD: I do believe that the US also has a disrespect for other cultures and countries. I don't live in the US btw.
  3. Yeah, can you post it somewhere else GC?
  4. About this emulator, has anyone used it? Since it's all in japanese I have no idea how to configure it. Is it better than psx or epsxe?
  5. Thanks for the info then. I'll keep my DC version and not purchase any other for now.
  6. I actually had the idea that they were similar. So sad then
  7. I was thinking of buying it since I saw a list of top Game Cube games and it was on it.
  8. The PSP is nothing like the PSX. explain in electronic terms please... I know both are MIPS except one is 10 times faster, but are psx games on it emulated or is the hardware made for it too.
  9. The Dalai Lama wants China to respect Tibets culture and beliefs more so than independence. But China will not budge. China claims that they are freeing the tibetan people from religion which to them is a disease. Before China took over the people of Tibet lived in fiefs the land was owned by the lamas. China claims they freed the people of this and maybe they did and maybe they didn't, I think each person has to decide whats freedom and what isn't to them. But overall I think the problem is Chinas lack of respect for anything that doesn't go with their party. Which sucks and they shouldn't have the Olympic Games at all.
  10. Has anyone tried the Game Cube Ikaruga, I saw it on sale very cheap. I have the Dreamcast version and I was wondering if it's better.
  11. The heat wave that's been going on lately is probably not helping either.
  12. The Snes Controller was great. I like the Game Cube one too.
  13. Do you mean a translation? If it is yeah you patch the file then burn or run from an emu directly. I would test it first with an emu before burning, as not to waste.
  14. Darn my post was lost. Like: The Xbox 360s power. Dislike: No worthy RPGs, too many FPS, it's Microsoft.
  15. Weren't you fixing your yard a while back.
  16. Legend of the River King for GBC It's a weird RPG about fishing, the graphics are stinky since it's a GBC game but I found it somewhat addictive in a pokemonish way. It's quite easy if you have a guide to match lures, rods, bait with each fish. It's old but I guess back in it's time it would have been rather fun. 7 out of 10.
  17. If the PSP is so similar to the PSX I wonder why no one has come up with a good PSP emulator.
  18. Darn I was looking forward to the response I would get to all my posts yesterday.
  19. It runs great on my Treo 600 for GBC games but it doesn't work with GBA. I know the demo resets. But I'm thinking your palm resets when you load the cart?
  20. A good advantage I see on the PS3, one that I'm using to convince my wife that we "need" a ps3, is the blue ray, and the storage.
  21. Don't get me wrong I found the game and locations beautiful, but it's just to difficult to get into.
  22. Even though the iphone is awesome, it has a great resolution and touch screen. It's not a good platform to run emus on. I have not tried to play a game on an iphone so my opinion is quite worthless on this, but IMO it's quite difficult to play a game on a touchscreen, you can't really play like you would do with a Dpad on ipaqs. But that's just me, anyone tried any emus yet?
  23. Wow that sucks if they locked the thing somehow. You should be able to customize a button for the phone app thing.
  24. I found Final Fantasy XI to be overwhelming to my limited gaming skills
  25. They have a quite a few games that could turn the tide if they make an effort of it. Metal Gear Gran Turismo Final Fantasy These games alone could convince people of buying a ps3. Maybe they are trying to make the best that's why it's taking them so long... they better be.
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