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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. I think we are all still waiting for that game that will show what the PS3 can do. Too bad sony doesn't seem to be putting any real effort into it. Or at least it doesn't seem like it.
  2. Yep it's the refresh, also these tvs have slower response time than normal tvs. Ask for the manual at the store before you buy or research the model on the net to make sure you won't have this problem. I know people that have tvs that can't play games correctly and it's very annoying.
  3. If I were to buy a PSP is there any version of it that I would require to play emulators on it. Does the version, firmware so on matter? Also what other things besides the PSP do I require to get emus working?
  4. It can be annoying since I work during the day. I like the whole idea of day and night but hate that I can only do certain things at night or day. booo Like WoW it was always night when I played I'm having trouble with some characters in animal crossing because of this.
  5. LMAO so besides his silly joke is that Makaron emu any good, I own a Dreamcast so I haven't tried any of the emus for it.
  6. At this point it's not possible to play pirated games on your Wii. Not even roms. You would require to mod your Wii, which would probably cause problems with the firmware, and run an emulator in game cube mode. Some games like SBB and SMG require a certain firmware to run so IMO modding would probably end up bricking your Wii (for now) Congrats on your Wii though. I've found that many games are worth paying and downloading them, you can also buy used Game Cube games on the net or at rental stores for cheap. I bought Star Fox Adventures for like 5 dollars and it's a fun game. I'm sure you will be proud of your collection. Make sure you research what you buy and only get what is truly worth the money.
  7. It usually comes pre-installed in firmware. You would require a firmware update for your particular device if there is one.
  8. Why? The Shinra company has claimed that the energy they have is unlimited and does no damage whatsoever to the earth. For real, we should concentrate on things that really help like buying smaller cars, not throwing so much garbage and planting a tree or two.
  9. Yeah no big studio in the credits, only IGN on there. Nice April fools.
  10. LMAO the martian thing was funny. I wonder how many people sent vids.
  11. I'm thinking of buying Zack & Wiki since I heard it was so good.
  12. You only cheat yourself when you do this anyways. I like getting high scores to be proud, changing them manually would only cheat myself, since I know I'm not that good.
  13. I was thinking about this and it would be nice to see this with new graphics, specially advent children type. Also more freedom with vehicles and locations.
  14. Time to get my tactical charts ready
  15. Sad to see a site like this go. But there will be others. The end of Napster didn't end file sharing and neither will this.
  16. Harvestmoon Snes. I'm starting here and trying to finish all the games up to the DS version.
  17. Final Fantasy VII was great to people who had never played an RPG, it made people realize that RPGs were actually worth playing. But to RPG fans it was good but not the best. Final Fantasy VI was probably better in depth. Things I didn't like about VII was that you could make any character anything there was no class specs it depended too much on materia. The graphics of the chars was also bad. If Final Fantasy VIII would not have made the summons so terribly long and complicated it would have been my fovorite. I do not think VII should be remade, they should just get working on XIII.
  18. The subway system looks huge!
  19. They are really bringing back life to the PSP. Too bad they aren't really giving the PS3 a good effort on games.
  20. Playing video games, being with friends, watching anime helps me get over sad days.
  21. I read somewhere about a building with a tower on the roof and there was a coincidence that many of the people living in the building developed cancer and other diseases. Take care with that man.
  22. He edited his post it seems, instead of making a new one.
  23. Thanks must have missed it since I'm at work and have to change windows quickly
  24. Maybe the flip the screen or side by side. I haven't seen a screenshot of this actually working. Maybe someone can provide one.
  25. What about the other screen :S I see no real value to a DS emulator on a PSP.
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