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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. Who was the other ninja besides snake eyes. I hope he's not the main bad guy that would suck, where's cobra commander.
  2. This was actually on the local news this morning. The creators said they "might" remove the offensive junk. Which IMO to sensitive people, it might be the whole web site.
  3. If you had a real DS you would know that's the DS bios.
  4. Yeah he's the final guy for Final Fantasy III USA or Final Fantasy VI Japan. He has this evil laugh that really annoys and scares. He's sort of like an evil clown type. And he's evil, very evil.
  5. Yes I do get depressed sometimes. So I just go on robot mode. I try not to think just follow my daily sequence like a robot. Then it goes away.
  6. Oratpart! Wow long time no see. Welcome dude.
  7. My wife would probably break my skull if she saw me looking at porn or going to a strip club. Anyways I think she found her phone. Mentioned on another thread, and this thread was not to judge bambi, it was about her cellphone.
  8. Sometimes I could care less about the cash they can have it. But not getting your credit cards or ids back is hell.
  9. I never trust doctors. I look up everything they give me in meds and diagnostic to see if it matches.
  10. There's over a hundred classic games. All the Mario games rock, and the Zeldas.
  11. Kefka Who can forget that laugh!
  12. The princess from Chrono Trigger. She was so nice
  13. Samurai Champloo Eureka Seven Some of the songs in Inuyasha Some of the songs in Yuu Yuu Hakusho
  14. All I found was a gba version of it...
  15. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princes Mario Galaxy Smash Brothers Paper Mario
  16. I was going to say the same. Great drawings but it would be nice to see an original character that you can work and develop.
  17. Sometimes old people are lonely, they feel they have lost their place in the world. Sometimes because they were jerks in life and their families have no real reason to see them, or they just had bad luck. This makes them act like fools. Lucky this is not the case for most elderly. Many of them are quite happy and wise about life, and take things lightly.
  18. It would be nice to be able to play backups of GC. Wii games and american release GC I buy original. But some games I just can't get my hands on. Backups a must then.
  19. I drive a very small 2004 VW Pointer/Gol. A tank of gas lasts me around 3 weeks.
  20. All you need is FCE Ultra and VirtuaNes
  21. Ikaruga is my favorite. Awesome graphics and sound.
  22. I consider myself a sort of refugee from another forum that died. I'm trying to start over here.
  23. No$gba plays many games perfect. Too bad that to run perfectly I have to turn off the sound. It sounds terrible anyways. But many games like FF3 really need sound to give the full effect.
  24. I bark like a dog sometimes
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