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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. Isn't it illegal though for them to release info on your browsing activities.
  2. There's 2 types of saves. You could "help us" help you by telling us what kind of save you want to load. A save state made by an emulator A save made by the game... Example: In Phantasy Star 3 you saved at the inn.
  3. I think the whole corporation thing will be dead. A fat guy in Siberia with good music and internet access can take a big chunk of the business if it's creative enough. I believe the world should open to everyone's ideas and creativity. Not just big bucks.
  4. That last one with the ice cream cone was actually weird-funny. Jon should join myspace
  5. Some banks and other sites that require "secure transactions" limit you to IE. I know it's ironic but sometimes there's no choice.
  6. Looks like some musicians are finally getting the idea of how things should work. If the whole world listens to your music, imagine your concert sales. That's the way to make money... Working!
  7. What if the house takes a liking to the geek and never lets him out
  8. You can also uninstall the adware and leave daemon tools installed.
  9. I think AMD is used to the heat thing. They have always been a nice alternative to Intel, with better price and per performance.
  10. Great! Giving away something that became useless. Good going Microsoft.. thanks a bunch Toshiba... Traitors.
  11. I just heard the news today. Talk about disconnected. Sad thing, the guy was not very old. His legacy will live forever.
  12. "The Perfume" It was quite stinky LOL... bad pun I know... It's a movie about this guy that murders women to steal their scent. The whole stalking thing is ok but once the end nears it really, really, really stinks. The bank sent me the DVD for using my credit card, so I have it because it was free... well sort free if you think about it.
  13. Yeah you're right. Well I heard those games are good.
  14. The Megaten games, now called persona I believe. There should be translations for the snes ones.
  15. Doesn't the Tennis game have these characters. You would also need something to represent Phantasy Star.
  16. Looks fun. The joker shaking his ass at the end of the trailer had me laughing for a while.
  17. Is this working yet or does it need quite a bit of work? It would be great to see something working in the years to come.
  18. LOL I thought it was going to be about the chinese... funny story. If you buy car magazines you can see fiberglass kit adds to turn your car into a ferrari all the time.
  19. I would settle with the solar power and the color change for now The actually morphing shape seems a bit far yet.
  20. Awesome, I've heard the problem before. Police dogs getting their feet hurt. Great idea.
  21. Nice on the LOLO thing! Anyways I just finished Aerial Assault for the Sega Master System. I finished the Game Gear version before. The SMS version is superior but it's extremely hard. Had to save and try again at some parts because it was just impossible. Not the best of shooters.
  22. I haven't been on a date since 8 years ago What makes me nervous now is I can't remember if I put down the toilet seat, and I just hope I did and avoid the screams
  23. Maybe one of the modules is damaged. You need to download a ram tester and boot your pc with it. It takes a while but if any red damaged sectors show up that might be the problem. It usually is a ram issue when the computer freezes, restarts on it's own or crashes often.
  24. my wife made me watch that too. but it wasn't so bad. at least Kathrine heigl is easy on the eyes. She was I thought the sister had ugly eyebrows. Even though she was supposed to be the model I liked Kathrine way better.
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