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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. Only if you have a mod chip. But I'm not 100% sure.
  2. The file extensions on roms are just to know what kind of rom it is. But they are not like let's say a .doc to .xls or something. What Snes emu are you using?
  3. I suggest you guys make a quicksave of the game besides the card saves as backup.
  4. Can we see a pic of the tattoo?
  5. That's why I love Mega Man 9 so much
  6. Welcome to life as the rest of the world sees it.
  7. The movie will sell in DVD even if it's not a big hit in theaters. I will probably see it even if it sucks.
  8. I felt this year I was somewhat like a zombie. Getting up every day at the same time, going to work at the same time, eating the same things.... Although I made some economic progress and maybe next year I can fix the house some more and maybe get a new car. I'm going to try to read some of the books everyone should read before they die. And try to stick to a game from start to finish instead of jumping from one to the other without doing much in any.
  9. Pattern games bug me
  10. Sonic Unleashed I'm sick of sega tricking me into buying sonic games but then I fall for it every time. Why cant they just make a 2.5 sonic, please the fans, no crazy animal friends, no 3d crap, and no transformations or weird addons. Just Sonic, stages to run in and challenging bosses. Something like Klonoa. They can keep Tails and Knuckles. The rest -> Trash.
  11. Is he in the new bionic commando or did they change that too from the original japanese one?
  12. I had to laugh and I'm not sorry. Sega Genesis http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/genesisplusnds.shtml Have no idea if it works.
  13. Ok but lets say that supernatural beings do exist. At least for this thread lets say they do. Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy or what?
  14. For what?
  15. I haven't played spore my pc sucks. Care to illustrate? I guess you mean a bunch of silly things eating each other fighting to survive?
  16. When I was a kid one of my gerbils killed the other one and ate it
  17. Haha Masters of the Universe was funny in a weird Howard the Duck type of way
  18. Chaos path then? Seems we all have some of chaos and some of order. I figure humans like the path of chaos when we don't have our way and once we do we strive for order in what we want to impose. So the problem is not god (s) or devil (s) but us
  19. You have to remember newer hardware requires some tweaking to get older stuff running.
  20. I work with some rats. Does that count?
  21. Yeah increase the res then filter it. If you double it to 640x480 then use a 2x filter. The the pixels will look sharp
  22. Super Paper Mario for the Wii. Great game I never knew it was this good. One of the best games I've played.
  23. I don't know much about comics but that Rob guy is terrible.
  24. There is a patched version of Boktai that recharges as if you were in direct sunlight. Just look for the word Patch xxx or whatever.
  25. No More Heroes - Wii I don't have an Xbox360 or PS3, and my PC can barely run games from 3 years ago. So I had to go with a Wii game.
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