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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. Sad looking lady For real some people are like that, it's sad, they are usually looking for fun in their sorry lives. Too bad they act like fools though instead of finding something more... "respectful". Instead they send pictures to someone on the net and end up made fun of in a game forum LOL
  2. D'Eon from Le Chevalier D'Eon
  3. Oh boy! I think... I pooped my pants...
  4. The world sucks because everyone gets offended from everything.
  5. I would add Paper Mario to that list. Oh they have it as honorable mention. Wave race was a lot of fun too. Never heard of Wetrix.
  6. Tynvar

    Wii Fit

    He's dead.
  7. Good, he got what he deserves. Even though its war this is not the image or type of troops you want. It was an act of sheer evil in my book.
  8. Replace it with a Flux Compacitor and then thank me in the morning. Get the one with Mr. Fusion addon.
  9. What do you mean what's the poing??? Sorry if I sound rude but they way you express yourself makes me think of you as narrow minded. How do you think people work on emus if they didn't have data for testing? Just because there is no finished product it doesn't mean there isn't people working on it. Eventually they will get things to work. Emulator authors need support not people nagging all the time. And no... not all of us have the same problem, we report what we test and help the developers reporting data. No one pays them for their work, all we can do is be patient and helpful. If you give us more data on your trouble maybe we can help you with that.
  10. This is just what Microsoft needed. Some good jrpg games to bring in sceptics like me.
  11. I respect your point of view entirely. However, what is there to appreciate if you don't understand what you're appreciating? That's like saying you appreciate the drawing of a 5 year old if it's a bunch of scribble scrabble. (You may appreciate it if it's an artwork of someone related to you.) That's because it looks good even though its "scribble scrabble" there's a balance to the colors that makes it nice even if you don't understand it. You don't have to understand something to consider it nice. Do you understand women? hehe bad example but ...
  12. I think Star Ocean looks like the best one. From the look on the videos.
  13. No we can't post links. But you won't find it anyways. Mega Man Legends 2 was not released on the N64 that I know of. You should continue on Playstation with The Misadventures of Tron Bonne then Mega Man Legends 2.
  14. Ahhh I posted something about region, i missed that you were running an emu not an actual ps. My bad. Change the CD pluggin for another that could help or how are you burning your CD.
  15. I cant see why a laptop HD couldnt be adapted to serve this purpose. They are small, reasonably large capacity, and have low power requirements. Right now I would settle for USB or SD support except the SD thing is slow as hell. I wonder why the Wii loads data from the SD so slow, it's not even USB 1.0 speed IMO.
  16. It could be very small and adapted to the Wii. I wouldn't mind if only Nintendo HDs worked on the system. They could make big bucks off that. Add some sort of DVD or Xvid player on the shopping channel and see the money roll in.
  17. No comments?
  18. LOL the difficutly is up quite a bit. I couldn't get past the Bubble Man stage. I will play more tomorrow. It's sort of late today... from what I saw so far, short comment, it would be nice to see more of those snails or shrimps instead of so many frogs Nicely done though.
  19. Nice! I'll give a try once I get home. Anything special we should be on the lookout for?
  20. Doesn't that Nescafe Java emu do that... I wonder how long they will last offering copyrighted material for free play.
  21. So I'm angry this week... why? Because my Wii is full! I want to play new games but I have games in progress that I'm not deleting. When will Nintendo solve this for us? The info of purchase of a title stays with the Wii so who cares if it loads from the USB you can't load a game from it unless you cheat with the TP hack. But then you can do that now anyways. So why not sell some sort of USB HD stick? 8GB should be fine for now and it would make many people happy. There's big money to be made by Nintendo on this. Darn you Nintendo!
  22. Old news but whatever... Are the CGI scenes going to be in the game or is that just promo material?
  23. Weird hack. And I wonder the same thing, if Japanese work so much, when do they have time for this? Insert---> "Not all Japanese are hardworking... that's a stereotype" comment, here.
  24. It's quite faster for me.
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