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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. Using a game's engine to create a video. Most known example would probably be the South Park WoW episode. Well hello mr. ryder, and thanks for the data.
  2. I find it weird that she's trying to look good on that pic with that baby seat in the back of the image.... funny weird... >_<
  3. Yup it's hillarious. People have to start thinking first of what they are saying before speaking left and right against something. You never know when it will bite back.
  4. CPS2 was the best imo. But I do enjoy Neo Geo.
  5. I would take care with that... you don't want to brick your wii with a bad checksum or something.
  6. It seems like a bad move really but hey we are saving who cares about ms.
  7. What is machinima?
  8. I bought one of those cheap multi ones and it works great.
  9. Does making maps and taking sprites for guides count as art?
  10. Single digits... >_< I'm married so it will probably stay that way
  11. Did you try a power adapter that's not the original. I had one do that I just used a generic and it worked.
  12. I will be buying this once it comes out. I hope it helps me get off my arse.
  13. Should have been Doraemon too! Doraemon is the best japan character imo
  14. PS3 keeps having troubles. I wonder if the console is too hard to develop for... something that killed the Saturn...
  15. I found this site with the sizes if anyone else wanted to know.
  16. Awesome retro vehicle.
  17. Configuration is a pain in the rear end. If you use Windows quite a bit I would not recommend it. It's annoying to work that way.
  18. Great, I think we have a Fan out there. What's the best build?
  19. Is there a scoreboard though. That's what I'm looking forward to. Seeing how you rank.
  20. Earthquakes are terrible. We have 1 or more per year, some small some a bit stronger. We never know when a big one will come. Last one was over 10 years ago so people are starting to worry.
  21. Some titles are still to come out. Dr. Mario should be addictive.
  22. Could you give more info on your OS? winxp or vista?
  23. I'm doing that with Game Cube games right now. Anything I see on sale I grab. I'm quite fond of collections ex. mega man, sonic, midway...
  24. This year is looking great, indy, mummy, iron man... so far so good
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