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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. 300 blocks? Really could someone verify this, FF looks too nice on the screenshots to really be only 300 blocks. Most of the N64 games are have are between 250 and 300 blocks. I don't want to buy it then realize it doesn't fit.
  2. It's called marketing... companies spend huge amounts of money to make you act like that... in return you give them money so they can keep spending it in making you spend more. And yes we all fall for the well know trick We know it's a trick but we just can't help it.
  3. Yup, you need a decent card.
  4. It scared me, even if it's fake.
  5. Could a mod or admin change this topic out of spam so we can talk about this game. I'm thinking of downloading it but I want to know if it's worth the 15 bucks. Also has anyone tried any other games for wiiware? Can you compete against people like xbox arcade thing?
  6. How many blocks is it? I only have around 200 blocks left on my Wii.
  7. "The driver was fined 750 dollars (707 US) for driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle and failing to ensure a child was wearing a seatbelt." That's really cheap for driving an unregistered vehicle O_O
  8. Nice cab! Correction: if youre selling that on ebay I hope you get a good amount.
  9. LOL too much for me, not watching I also tried watching my sister cho...something. Too much boob and panty service for my liking.
  10. Rain is dangerous even when you live in the mountains. I live 1542 meters (5060 feet) above sea level and when it rains water gets really dangerous in streets that used to be the natural traveling path of water.
  11. Someone should help with the translations. Great emulator though.
  12. Radiant Silvergun would be awesome. I don't think they can pull it off though, not enough hardware imo.
  13. Because you are a cholo. your mom is a cholo LMAO I have an accent... sometimes I'm no cholo though... what exactly do you guys consider a cholo?
  14. Learn Java really well. Learn a visual microsoft language, VC++ should be good. Also learn some kind of web database thing like php/mysql or xml/asp/sqlserver. Knowing ANSI SQL by heart is a big help. Right now I see a big field on making applications for mobile devices. About the college degree, even if you're good at programming with a big portafolio, the degree will help you get the job even if it's not requiered. If there are two people to pick from I would pick the college grad just because you would have more knowledge of other things besides plain programming.
  15. I just check the latest posts. If the topic says something like... SPAM I ignore it.
  16. If you could judge someone by their name... I think we have a winner "Jim Bob Duggar" jimbob!
  17. So beats of rage is like mugen?
  18. Hey I pay $40 USD for a 1Mbit connection, now that's a huge rip-off.
  19. And of course there's no one keeping all their costumers from changing providers
  20. Need info on Beats of Rage: The Simpsons for the Sega Dreamcast. Is it an official or emu game? Is it worth it? What are your thoughts on the game.
  21. If they do it will be the end of comcast Who wants a dl cap. Hell 250GB is quite a bit but no likes to be limited even if you never pass that.
  22. I hope they manage to keep EA at bay. It would not be the same if they get taken over.
  23. That's what will happen in this case I think. Bad move IMO. Anyways it's not like I was going to buy it...
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