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Everything posted by Tynvar

  1. I can't get used to the dpad. It's just not fast enough dunno...
  2. I've been reading quite a bit about it. And they lost not because they were found guilty but because they lost by default. The judge ordered them to turn in evidence of their file share users. They refused, so they lost.
  3. Darn that's a hell of a lot of money I guess the lesson here is do not base a filesharing in the US. I always thought these sites were overseas.
  4. Is there a way to change the controls in Ikaruga from the digital pad to the analog stick? I've been playing all time with the digital pad and it sure makes it difficult, if I could only use the analog stick things would be easier.
  5. What's the best mame to use on a windows based setup. That requires less work to setup.
  6. It will be cracked and used by people who would have never bought the game. It will piss off people who bought the game. In other words they will screw over their paying costumers.
  7. Defeated Mario in Mario Tennis for the GBC. 100% complete. So officially finished game.
  8. Atari 2600 had it's good times. Sort of reminds me of what the Wii is doing now... oops I hope it doesn't end the same.
  9. Both were great machines. I had both so I didn't have to choose. I'm a fan of sonic and mario. I love RPGs on the Snes but I also liked action games on the genesis. Both great machines
  10. Thanks for the advice I'll try that if this next file doesn't work
  11. They all died because they had to leave their bodies behind. The next evolutionary step was to become one. No one alone, no one left behind. So they all died to become one spirit or being. Shinji was asked the decision if he wanted this and he said that with all the pain and so on he would rather be who he is so... Shinji and Asuka return to make a new world. The blood or pool seen is the primeval soup, its what starts life.
  12. RS is japan, I set the thing to japan with japan bios. No luck. I'm trying a different copy of the game to test for corruption.
  13. Well I'm stuck in Shin Megami Tensei. I'm at the mall in shinjuku I think. What's a good fuse with jack frost?
  14. Mine keeps saying incorrect media
  15. Sonic on the Snes would have been impossible. BLAST PROCESSING!
  16. I just defeated the greatest tennis player of all times. According to Mario Tennis it's Mario >_< Only in doubles though, I still have to defeat him in singles. To get 100% I have to defeat Mario and finish the last stage on one of the machines.
  17. It's difficult because of time and type of games. The Genesis had some great games already before the Snes came out. But then at the end the Snes had better and more games. The Snes had censorship. The Snes had better Rpgs overall. The Genesis sports games were awesome. The Genesis was faster the Snes had better colors. I say it's a draw. No 16-bit collection is complete without games from both systems.
  18. The only thing I've fused in Shin Megami Tensei is the dog Pascal with a Pixie. Which gave me a super awesome dog, but it ran away in a boss fight
  19. I'm actually playing the Snes one But I'm not sure what to fuse. My best mix was some sort of angel but I was told I couldn't fuse them because I would not be able to control it. So I'm looking for some guide to tell me what are the best demons at each level group.
  20. If the routers work try to change the firmware to get more out of them.
  21. Same for me Please note: This offer is not available in your country!
  22. I can't find a guide on demon fusion. What demons should I be working on getting?
  23. So! I love my pixie and she loves me! Seriously she asked me that and I said yes I love you She has some really strong spells though. And it helps a beginner with attack and heal magic
  24. Well I started playing Shin Megami Tensei. I only played for about 30 minutes but I'm hooked. The ambient of the game is great for a Snes game. I like how you're in your house and the game music is all nice then you go out and everything is normal in the streets until a demon shows up. Great! I only have a pixie as an ally. Haven't done much yet. It's somewhat weird/scary and fun at the same time The only thing I disliked is that when you're at the cafe or mall you only see people when you bump into them. But overall it's a great game.
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