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Everything posted by drifterzzz

  1. i cant perform iori super damn
  2. how to set the controler & game display...10q
  3. thats where i get it but it on fullscreen setting i want to set it like kawakz or nebula... & the control also..
  4. plzz help me how to set the controler & the emu display... this is my 1st time use mame...sry
  5. ohh ok. hope moderator delete it...sry im so excited...
  6. hey guys go here http://www.iespana.es/emutec/rkof2003pack.rar m1 & s1 from kof 2003 my friends tested & yet its from kof 2003... i think we will get it soon.....
  7. guys i found this did u all think its fake i think not...its on pc i think its neoragex.. or nebula or mame... http://www.emumaquinitas.com/portal/module...=viewtopic&t=58 but u have to be a member...
  8. can some1 help me how to make the rom in the list i dl it from neo-arcadia i only can make motw im the list others nop like cthd,svcplus all not in the list... plzzz help me... i put the rom directory it only detect motw hmmm
  9. 10q tidus but... its down huarghhhhhhhhh
  10. gusys where can i find the roms for nragee ecgc.... i keep looking everywhere but the result is nothing hmmm
  11. guys can u help me i cant run it on winxp. i already follow the guide from gamecop but it say cant change video modes even i seit it to 640x840... wat should i do hmmm
  12. guys i dont think so its a fakes cause im @ malaysia we already have the games i play it already & the cizuru screen & kusanagi all same like arcade.. anyway the games rock. still wait for the roms...
  13. hey argozer 10q...will try..
  14. i mean the games like a fakes screen shot the example on the 1st or second page.... i know thats something missing...
  15. ok finally it works but the screen is like something missing hmmm.
  16. where can i find svc for neoragex... im lazy to find it too many pages...thankz...
  17. done i got it but still the games not in list...hmmm
  18. i have it man...its a neoragex xp cause im using xp but in the gamelist the games not there hmmm
  19. i understand it lol. but the problem is the game not in the list. i have make a folder n everything but it didnt show up the roms...hmm as i know for neorage u dont have to rename it am i right...
  20. how to play it in neoragex...hmmm i have the roms & the neogare but the games not in the list hmm plzz zhelp james or else...
  21. yup we should do thats to sharim....sry ...anyway thats real proves man all complete since roms & everything...
  22. yup u r right malin is nicez than choi...
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