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  1. Thanks BP, was able to get it to work Putr coinops 2 and roms on f drive under apps opened with xbmc...was able to run no problem very nice...thanks for all your work
  2. I have used that option in past versions...but I can not get coinops2 to get past the scanning for roms that one sees when starting the program for the 1st time...after it scans it goes back to the start screen...when I press start it scans again then back to the start screen...even after deleting the babe/boob files in Ucayali Thoughts?
  3. 1st thanks BP for your time and effort 2nd I am in need of some help In the past forcoinops I would put everything except the Roms in the e partition I would put the rom's on the f partition and when coinops opened I would point it to the correct path With coinops 2 the program will not get past the scanning for Roms screen when I place the roms on the f partition....so I placed the complete program plus roms on f/apps but still can't get past the scanning for Roms screen.....do I need to edit the ini. file to point to the f partition......basically can coinops 2 be run from the f partition and if so how......... Thanks for your time
  4. 1st thanks BP for your time and effort 2nd I am in need of some help In the past forcoinops I would put everything reception the Rome on the e partition I would put the Tom's on the f partition and when coinops opened I would point it to the correct path With coinops 2 the program will not get past the scanning for Roms screen when I place the roms on the f partition....so I placed the complete program plus roms on f/apps but still can't get past the scanning for Roms screen.....do I need to edit the ini. file to point to the f partition......basically can coinops 2 be run from the f partition and if so how......... Thanks for your time
  5. Ok, Thanks again for the clarification And thanks for great product and your continued improvement of it
  6. I'm running CoinOPS Epic off of the F drive with no problems. You don't have to make any changes to the paths in the settings, just make sure that you're using the right naming convention when adding roms. I should have been more specific. My xbox drive is partitioned with only 1GB left in E but 98 left on F: Normally I put the coiopns files under games on the e partition and point it to the roms which i place on the F drive It works for the arcade games but not for the other systems....if i put the other system games on the E under the coinops directory they work fine any thoughts are appreciated Ah, gotcha. I just tested it out with your setup and it worked fine for me. Setup: CoinOPS installed on E: and roms installed on F: - I put the NES rom Faxanadu (great game btw), renamed to NES_Faxanadu, in F:\roms. Within CoinOPS I changed the second rom path to F:\ROMS (I used all caps, i don't know if it's case sensitive) then I scanned for new roms and it showed up just fine. Hope this helps... Thanks for the test....I did not try nes If you have a min will you please try either an n64/midway/turbo duo cd game and post if it works Thanks for your time
  7. Thanks all
  8. I'm running CoinOPS Epic off of the F drive with no problems. You don't have to make any changes to the paths in the settings, just make sure that you're using the right naming convention when adding roms. I should have been more specific. My xbox drive is partitioned with only 1GB left in E but 98 left on F: Normally I put the coiopns files under games on the e partition and point it to the roms which i place on the F drive It works for the arcade games but not for the other systems....if i put the other system games on the E under the coinops directory they work fine any thoughts are appreciated
  9. Is there a way to run the n64/midway/ and other consoles roms from the f partition the PSX files allow you to select but the other consoles seem to require the D partition even with the rom paths specified in the coinops setup screen. thanks
  10. Has anyone gotten Dracula X to work in the Res Xtras Every time I try to load (under the translated folder) it state "run error" on the turbo duo loading screen Any thoughts?
  11. Nice vid. Have you gotten Drac X to work with the Res Xtras?
  12. email him at trustyty@hotmail.com and check out the hdd compatibility list here: http://xboxdrives.x-pec.com/?p=list thanks man
  13. ditto, inquiring minds want to know thanks all
  14. where can one find more info on this mod from trusty and anyone know where you can find hdd compatibile with xbox know and days thanks parsox
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