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Everything posted by myfreelog

  1. version 1.0a released
  2. any translators? new compilation with sf3 2nd impact working properly the emu will not be able to use 720p modes because of memory, all games but warzard and sf3ng need more memory, at 1080p the emulator is slower than 60 fps the emulator will automatically change the resolution to 480i/480p even if the console is configured at 720p more or less that is what it´s told
  3. One question: How could i resize/center the screen with mamedox platinum 2? and one little suggestion: it would be great if the romsets used in some games were the european version instead of the japanese release. oh a final question: What happens if i don't copy the save in the udata/tdata folders and run the emulator? Great compilation, thanks a lot.
  4. The ROM info is from FBA Plus. Can you be more specific about how it mistaken and the source of your information? In any case I doubt I will remove the set since it definitely exists even if a correct dump is not yet available. P roms are the same for mvs and pcb versions, v is 16 mb and it´s the same mvs data but concatenated, C roms protections are very similar to svc and m1 is 256kb. Only the bios crc is unknown ATM. The information came from a source much more reliable than ferchogtx. The information is private but i´m sure it will be released very soon (maybe it will be in some very well known neogeo reference dats....) btw here is the information from the clrmame.dat rom ( name 268-bios.bin size 524288 crc 00000000 ) rom ( name 268-c1.bin size 16777216 crc 00000000 ) rom ( name 268-c2.bin size 16777216 crc 00000000 ) rom ( name 268-c3.bin size 16777216 crc 00000000 ) rom ( name 268-c4.bin size 16777216 crc 00000000 ) rom ( name 268-p1r.bin size 4194304 crc fc4e18b6 ) rom ( name 268-p2r.bin size 4194304 crc 216b559a ) rom ( name 268-m1.bin size 524288 crc 4a5a6e0e ) rom ( name 268-m1_decrypted.bin size 524288 crc 2f621a2b ) rom ( name 268-v1.bin size 16777216 crc 8458afe5 ) Mistakes found: Missing Crcs: Bios Still needs confirmation (Unknown) c1,c2,c3,c4 Known but private Incorrect Crcs: p1,p2 Anyone knows where this roms are or where did this crc came from? The program roms for pcb are the same that were used in MVS. m1 Real pcb m1 is 256kb crc is known m1d Even that m1d is incorrect, the F800-FFFF data region is missing, and it should be 256 kb. crc for a 100% decrypted rom is not known but if you split that one in 2 parts it should be very similar to the real. Correct Crcs: V1 It´s the only rom that can be confirmed as real in that set. Finally it has no sense to have a not working set that it´s incomplete, and where most of the files and protections are not public. The worst is that it makes even harder to identify real roms One tip: you know people that can confirm what i said, and have even more information than me *EDIT* Now crc are known for new fba plus u7 game ( name ms5pcb description "Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB)" year 2003 manufacturer "SNK Playmore" rom ( name 268-p1r.bin size 4194304 crc d0466792 ) rom ( name 268-p2r.bin size 4194304 crc fbf6b61e ) rom ( name 268-c1.bin size 16777216 crc 802042e8 ) rom ( name 268-c2.bin size 16777216 crc 3b89fb9f ) rom ( name 268-c3.bin size 16777216 crc 0f3f59e3 ) rom ( name 268-c4.bin size 16777216 crc 3ad8435a ) rom ( name 268-v1.bin size 16777216 crc 8458afe5 ) rom ( name 268-m1_decrypted.bin size 524288 crc 2f621a2b ) rom ( name 268-m1.bin size 524288 crc 4a5a6e0e ) rom ( name 268-bios.bin size 524288 crc 00000000 ) ) The only incorrect roms here are m1/m1_decrypted AFAIK. Bios is still missing too.
  5. Thanks for the emu I suggest you to remove ms5pcb, as the set is incomplete and the information is mistaken. Svcpcba p and bios needs confirmation too but its suposed to use the same bios that svcpcb and the same program roms that svc MVS version, so emulate program roms is trivial. C roms are just dissected (16 bits, wordwise) from the roms that can be found in svcpcb set
  6. Maybe an special ARCADE STICK profile would be the best option to implement so everybodoy could choose between normal controller and arcade stick / arcade cabinet considered fully digital control
  7. You can do the opposite: do your own favourite game list
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