Here's the gist of the issue: http://arstechnica.c...ues-to-grow.ars FROM G4: Sessler take on it: - -- - - - IF you already know about it then you can skip to here.------- So the ending of ME3 has been vicious for a while now! Now I've NEVER seen such hate for an ending that people would gather up and demand change for it from Bioware/EA. I've played TONS of great games with underwhelming endings and i'm like, "man that ending sucked but it was a good game" but for some reason, this game is an exception. So im sure many have played but after seeing the ending Im not really to hard on the ending but perhaps someone can explain thier take for those who are NOT happy with the ending. Why is is such a big heartache? Either way... THIS IS NOT THE WAY....