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Hi i've been trying to get kof2001 to work on fba-xxx but haven't been


totally successful. The graphics work but no sound for the kof2001


rom and I get sound for for cthd2003 rom but just scrambled


graphics. I'm using the 8-02 build i think it something to do with the


rom (262-m1.bin) ? because i can get all the other kofs to work


besides this one.


Thanks in advance.




P.S i read through most of the forum but didnt find anything that delt with it

Posted (edited)

well in all the versions i played kof2001 in they all played with sound so the problem may actually be either your m1d and/or your v roms.


cthd2003 doesn't work properly and hasn't been fixed since then so i suggest you try to find the cthd2003 neorage version which is supported in fba-xxx.

Edited by Prican25

Thanks for the quick reply. Indeed it was the m1.bin file it says on


the crc checks that it is 963dba66 but it needs to be 73cfl5b0. But i


have no idea how to fix it. I tried romcenter but still couldnt get it to



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