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I don't know if this has been brought up before but i'll post it anyways. i was playing max payne and on the booklet it comes w/ it says that there's gonna be a max payne movie. but it's been quite a while since it said that. supposedly dimension films and some other movie co. will be getting together to make this movie. but i personally don't think it will happen! :shootem:

Posted (edited)



Holy F*ucking Sh!t!!!! There Will Be One. I Did A Google Search. Came Apon 3d Realms Forums. And Found This Link!



My Heart Is Just Pounding Like Hell Now!


EDIT: Nevermind It Was Just made By Some Dude. Although I'll Be Watching A Part If Not All Of It Now.

Edited by 666Ghost

I have Max Payne Hero. It's good except for the fact it has that SUPER SUPER SUPER crappy Nickelback song "Hero" playing throughout.


And the Max Payne movie is in limbo right now...there's been no news of it for years.


Ya, Like My Friend Said, "I've Given Up Hope For Max Payne The Movie" Maybe I Should Too :shootem:


lol i dunno about you guys but i quit when i got to some train station... in like 20 minutes into the game... lol i didnt like the controls on PS2... hehe hey matt i joined 1emulation




It's been known since the original Max Payne came out that Remedy was going to sell the movie rights to the highest bidder as well.


Ooooh, another thing I don't care about because Max Payne looks stupid... I should really try it out sometime though, if everyone thinks it's awesome.

Max Payne 1 and 2 are the best 3rd person action games I've played.

They were for me too - until I played a little game by a chzech-based company that blew all my expectations away. "Mafia", for the PC. Has anyone played it yet? It's amazing!

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