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The mugen runs but it has lines across the screen, like split into lil parts and then when i get out of it, my desktop is all messed up, any help?


Those lines are called Scanlines. You can disable it by opening up your Mugen.cfg file and find this part:


;Set this parameter to use a resolution-doubling filter. You will

;need a fast machine to use these filters. You will need to increase

;the screen resolution to at least 640x480 for these modes.

;0 - off

;1 - diagonal edge detection

;2 - bilinear filtering

;3 - horizontal scanlines

DoubleRes = 3


Change DoubleRes from 3 to 0 or 2.


I don't know how to fix your other problem though.


Scanlines are used as image filters in various emulators and whatnot to add a TV-feel to the picture.

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