Ghosty Posted November 21, 2004 Posted November 21, 2004 There's A Bios?! I Never Noticed, And Its My Second Tyme There, Well I'll Be Sure To Check Next Tyme.
KyokugenKiss Posted November 21, 2004 Posted November 21, 2004 yea but now the names on this picture look messed up
James Posted November 21, 2004 Posted November 21, 2004 (edited) yea but now the names on this picture look messed up<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Simple the game is paused If you had that rom set you would know it has Transparencies and it will look strange when its paused.So that tells me that you do not have Transparencies with your version of kof2003. KyokugenKiss = Newbie Edited November 21, 2004 by James
KyokugenKiss Posted November 21, 2004 Posted November 21, 2004 well this is what i got... what am i missing? ; Fog Begin1e78-1f07 2aa48-aa5c 2b090-b094 1b098-b09c 1b0a0-b0aa 1b1f0-b208 1b530-b538 1; Fog End ; Ash Crimson Table114ff-11505 111521-11554 11156e-1157f 111598-115a9 1115ba-115c8 1115de-115e8 111673-11678 111692-116a3 1116bf-116d2 1116e9-116fb 11170d-1171d 111737-11748 11175f-1176d 111784-11799 111bc6-11bca 111bdf-11be2 111c00-11c1a 111c31-11c3e 111c55-11c8f 111ce4-11d1a 111d23-11d64 111d7c-11dc1 111dd7-11e23 111e35-12014 112023-12049 112053-12068 1120ff-12114 11212e-1216e 112187-121b9 1121d0-121d8 1121ed-12261 11227b-122ad 1122c6-122d8 1128e6-128e9 1128eb-128f3 1128f5-12908 112912-1291b 112927-1292a 11293a-12950 11295e-12974 112981-12993 11299d-129ab 112c55-13167 1; Ash Crimson End ; Duolon Begin139cf-13a77 113b3c-13b50 114f47-14fd1 11512f-15350 1158b3-158ca 1158e6-158fd 11590c-1592b 1159fc-15a05 115a34-15a40 115a6f-15a7d 115aaa-15abc 115ae9-15afc 115b26-15b3d 115b61-15b7d 115ba5-15bd2 115d5b-15d80 115d9c-15ddc 115dea-15e42 115e60-15ec5 115edd-15f4d 115f68-15fda 115ff1-16069 116082-160f9 116112-1617c 116194-161eb 1161f3-16347 116913-16e0d 1; Duo Lon End ; Shen Woo Begin17f4c-17f6a 11802b-180cf 11859c-1865c 11867b-186ca 1186ea-187ef 1190c2-19130 1; Shen Woo End ; Terry Bogard Begin19e47-19e50 11a21c-1a265 11a266-1a27b 11a27c-1a33d 11aa88-1c4a3 1; Terry Bogard End ; Joe Higashi Begin1dfb0-1ead2 1; Joe Higashi End ; Tizoc Begin215d8-2160a 1227eb-23a57 1; Tizoc End ; Ryo Sakazaki Begin25900-25c5f 1;Ryo Sakazaki End ; Robert Garcia Begin2693c-26944 12695b-26960 126976-2697c 12698a-26991 1269a3-269a9 1269c0-269c1 1269db-269de 126e6a-26e85 127bbd-2800f 1; Robert Garcia End ; Yuri Sakazaki Begin29206-2928f 129c81-2a0cf 1; Yuri Sakazaki End ; Kim Kaphwan ; Chang Koehan ; Jhun Hoon Begin3059c-3063d 130bcb-30db0 1; Jhun Hoon End ; Leona Heidern Begin31db6-31e63 131f15-31f7d 131f95-31ffb 132d82-3301b 1; Leona Heidern End; ; Ralf Jones; Clark Steel ; Gato Begin3794e-3796f 137a62-37a7f 13887d-388bc 138985-389c1 1389cd-38a06 138a14-38a4a 138a56-38a89 1394a6-39a37 1; Gato End ; Billy Kane Begin3b524-3b672 13ce4e-3cf8c 1; Billy Kane End ; Ryuji Yamazaki Begin3de93-3deda 13deff-3df43 13df64-3dfab 13ea44-3ea4f 13ea77-3ea8b 13eab6-3eabb 13eabe-3eacb 13eace-3ead1 13eaf6-3eaf7 13eafb-3eafe 13eb01-3eb0f 13eb11-3eb15 13eb48-3eb5d 13f4e3-3f4e8 13f4f8-3f4fb 13f505-3f508 13f586-3f5a6 13f5bb-3f5d7 13f5e8-3f600 13f695-3f6b0 13f6b1-3fc91 1 ; Ryuji Yamazaki End ; King Begin40a8c-40abb 140af6-40b04 140b4b-40b6a 140c53-40d7d 141417-41429 1; King End ; Mai Shiranui Begin4241b-42422 142440-42449 14246d-4247b 142485-424b0 1424c2-4254b 1428d3-42961 1429e8-42aa2 1437bf-43c57 1; Mai Shiranui End ; Blue Mary Begin45d22-45d2b 145df7-45ff8 1; Blue Mary End ; Benimaru Nikaido Begin47a3b-47a3e 147a49-47a4c 147a55-47a5a 147a6d-47a79 147a82-47a92 147a9a-47a9e 147d2a-47d3f 147e70-48129 14825a-48418 1; Benimaru Nikaido End ; Shingo Yabuki Begin49441-49462 1; Shingo Yabuki End ; Goro Daimon ; Athena Asamiya Begin4d164-4d1bb 14d4d6-4d510 14da52-4db68 14de7b-4defb 14defc-4dfbb 14e101-4e1e0 14e7b2-4e7c9 14e7d0-4e7df 14e7e5-4e7ec 14e7f5-4e7fe 14e807-4e80c 14e817-4e81f 14e831-4e837 14e84d-4e84f 14e909-4e912 14e919-4e921 14e92a-4e933 14e941-4e950 14e95d-4e970 14e979-4e981 14e987-4e98f 14e994-4e999 14ee6a-4f27f 14f280-4f294 14f295-4f2cb 14f2cc-4f3fb 14f3fc-4f8be 14f8bf-4f96b 14f96c-4fa46 14fa6c-4fab6 14fab7-4fb77 14fb78-4fb9a 1; Athena Asamiya End ; Hinako Shijo Begin5114c-51161 151ccc-51d1d 1; Hinako Shijo End ; Malin Begin52987-52990 152993 15299a 1529a1 1529a6-529b5 1529b8 1529be 1529c5 1529c9 1529cc-529d1 1529d6 1529da 1529df-529e1 152a8c-52a95 152a98-52a99 152a9c 152aab-52ab4 152ab8 152abb 152ac4-52ace 152b50-52b5c 152f8c-52fb4 153144-5315a 1531e8-531ff 153201 153311-533f2 153a0f-53a86 153aa5-53abb 153ad0-53ae8 153aea-53b1c 1; Malin End ; K' Begin5431a-54331 155507-5553a 155584-555b0 15563a-5568d 155830-55918 1564c0-56c62 1; K' End ; Maxima Begin5828a-5829b 1582bf-582cd 158665-586d8 158bd5-58c7e 159a00-59aae 159aaf-59b45 159b46-59bed 159c18-5a523 1; Maxima End ; Whip Begin5dc20-5dde4 1; Whip End ; Kyo Kusanagi Begin5f8ba-5f8bb 15f8c2-5f8c3 15f995-5f9b2 16018b-60b10 1; Kyo Kusanagi End ; Iori Begin62068-62089 1620a5-620b4 1620d1-620e1 162119-6211a 162597-625a0 1625a5 1625bd-625c6 1625c8 1625e3-625ec 16268f-62695 16269c-6269d 1626a4-626a8 1626af-626b1 1626b9 1626c4-626c8 1626ce-626cf 1626d6 1626e0-626e3 1626e9-626ec 1626f3 162703 106270c-06270c 162715 16271b 1627be-627f0 1628ba-628c1 1631dd-63fd8 1; Iori End ; Chizuru Kagura Begin65631-6563e 165655-6565a 165d9a 165da3-65da4 165dab-65dad 165db6-65db8 165dbf-65dc2 165dcb-65dcd 165dd3-65dd5 165ddc-65de1 165de8-65e0e 165ee9-660f5 1; Chizuru Kagura End ; Kusanagi Begin6742f-67430 167438-67439 167466-67599 167c24-68030 1; Kusanagi End ; Adel Bernstein Begin69366-69c5b 1; Adel Bernstein End ; Mukai Begin6a24c-6a26e 16add9-6adf5 16ae21-6ae30 16ae5e-6ae6b 16afdd-6b012 16b299-6b51a 16ba8e-6bbcd 16c4f5-6c54c 1; Mukai End ; Maki Kagura Begin6d1d2-6d1df 16d1f6-6d1fc 16e18b-6e398 1; Maki Kagura End ; Other Stuff Begin6e39a-6fb56 16fb57-6fb68 1; Other Stuff End ; Presentation Begin70423-70485 171cb5-7237b 1725f1-73044 173478-73a5b 173f3a-73f6f 174003-7402d 1740e0-7412c 174395-74a0b 1; Presentation End ; Character Select Screen7b311-7b3c4 17cb7c-7cc63 17d4b7-7db6a 17ddee-7df12 17df57-7dfed 1; Character Select Screen End
Agozer Posted November 21, 2004 Posted November 21, 2004 (edited) Could someone tell me what happened and what this thread was originally about? And Mr. G, if the thread was about distributing rom images, you should have just closed this. But whatever, since I was late from the scene. Edited November 21, 2004 by Agozer
Ghosty Posted November 21, 2004 Posted November 21, 2004 Well It First Was About asadawan786 Giving Links To Rom Hacks And Fixes.Then KyokugenKiss Had Problems With His Kof2003 Infinate Signs, I Gave Him A Link To Get It Fixed. James Removed My Link Cuz It Contained A Bios(C'mon!).Now After KyokugenKiss Aquired That Patch, He Now Has Problems With Seeing Ass Correctly, And He Posted Ya,... THen Agozer Didnt Know WHat Was Going On So 666Ghost Tried To Explain It To Him.
James Posted November 22, 2004 Posted November 22, 2004 (edited) Could someone tell me what happened and what this thread was originally about? And Mr. G, if the thread was about distributing rom images, you should have just closed this. But whatever, since I was late from the scene.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>No roms posted Just patches. If roms were posted the thread would of been closed. Edited November 22, 2004 by James
Gryph Posted November 22, 2004 Posted November 22, 2004 I was just unaware of our position on hacks. Now I know.
Agozer Posted November 22, 2004 Posted November 22, 2004 Could someone tell me what happened and what this thread was originally about? And Mr. G, if the thread was about distributing rom images, you should have just closed this. But whatever, since I was late from the scene.No roms posted Just patches. If roms were posted the thread would of been closed. Oh, yes I was a bit unlear about that and wondered why the thread wasn't closed if there were rom images involved. Thanks.
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