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street fighter 3 is pooty as hell, the best street fighter ever to me in still super street fighter 2 turbo, i loved alpha, but i still went back to the old school, everything is just...zzzzz

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  Skythe said:
This is the review I did for this game at a couple of other forums.


Capcom Fighting Evolution: A decent fighter but not up to par.


System: PS2

Genre: Fighting


Capcom's latest (and every SNK fanboy's hopes for last) 2D fighting game. 23 characters that span 5 Capcom fighting games (1 character is brand, spanking new):


Street Fighter 2: Ryu, Guile, M. Bison, Zangief, and Shin Akuma (Commence WTFs.)

Street Fighter Alpha: Guy, Sakura, Karin, and Rose

Street Fighter 3: Alex, Yun, Chun-Li, and Urien

Darkstalkers: Demetri, Felicia, Jedah, Anakaris, and Pyron

Red Earth: Kenji, Leo, Hauzer, and Hydron

Brand New: Ingrid (First appeared in the cancelled Capcom Fighting All-Stars.)


The only sprites that are new are Ingrid's and all the Midnight Bliss forms. I really don't have any gripes for this. I actually prefer the older sprites over newly drawn ones


The backgrounds are completely 3D. Some stages have characters from the games listed in the backgrounds.


Music is passable. I'm just too use to Guilty Gear's heavy rock tunes.


The only one true gripe I have is that Shin Akuma is listed as a Street Fighter 2 character. Shin Akuma appeared first in one of the Street Fighter Alpha games (Most likely SFA3.) not in SF2. That was regular Akuma instead.


The first reason I got this game was to play with the Red Earth characters as the American Red Earth was limited release for Dreamcast and 99.9% of Americans didn't know it existed.




The gameplay. Each fighter retains pretty much all moves from he/she's respective game though maybe losing or gaining a little. SF3 characters use all that parrying crap while being able to use 2 out of 3 of their Super Arts on the fly (Urien retains all 3 and in SF3 you could only choose one upon selection of character). Darkstalkers retain their ability to perform EX versions of their special moves and the easy combo (I.E. WP, MP, HP.). SF2 is the basic of all of them though they now can perform 2 super moves (Originally could only do 1.). SFA characters, unlike the rest, don't have super art moves but instead do Custom Combos which I've always hated. I couldn't tell you much about Red Earth since it was obvious that I've never played it but they are quite good. When you stock a super, you can either use it on your opponent or use it to level up which makes your defense and offense stronger (Can level up to 5 times and leveling up allows to use stronger super arts.). Ingrid plays similar to Capcom vs SNK 2.


BTW, Pyron is the mid-boss and Shin Akuma is the final boss (I can only defeat Shin Akuma with Demitri.).


When you defeat arcade mode, you are treated with a comic panel of each character you chose (You can only have a total of 2 characters.). I kinda laughed as some of them show that you can't use the Japanese storyline of a character and apply it to the American version (I.E: Zangief. In Japan, it was revealed that he was gay yet in CFE he's cleary a heterosexual.).


After each round, you're asked to choose which character to start off the next round with. You either press 2 punches or 2 kicks. Anywho, Capcom did this as when you play in Versus that your opponent can't tell who you chose.


Anywho. To the score.



I give this game a 7/10. Not the best but could of been better with somemore time spent. As this game was in development for 7 months I believe.


Bottom line, this game is just nothing more than cut and paste crap. This is something that you'd release like 4 or 5 years ago, not today in this sort of gaming climate. The standards are just way to high for something like this to be launched now. It's not a BAD game but it could have been better.The game feels like capcom panicked in the fact that they didn't have anything coming out for the holiday season and had some of their flunky interns throw something together last minute. It's worth a rental and if your hard up for capcom fighters for ps2 but your money is better well spent on the

SF2 anniversary instead.


i haven´t looked at the game and i don´t think i will but i hate it when tyhey do that kinda cut and paste think, Jesus, they donot even have ot work on it, just some new sprites on some freaking char and voila a new game, but guess who is the idiot? us, of course, the gamers that consume any crap because of their brand


Cut and paste would be to leave everything the same from their original games, Nothing would be done if it was just a "cut and paste." It isn't kthx.


Maybe people who say "They should of worked with it more," should maybe read a line in my review. Hmm, I think it's this one;

Only 7 months in development, and roughly developed by at least 8 people(8 for initial development

Everyone who says "cut and paste" has to gb2/snk or shouldn't say a thing until they've played it for more then 10 minutes against a level 2 CPU.

  K`dash said:
Cut and paste would be to leave everything the same from their original games, Nothing would be done if it was just a "cut and paste." It isn't kthx.


Maybe people who say "They should of worked with it more," should maybe read a line in my review. Hmm, I think it's this one;

Only 7 months in development, and roughly developed by at least 8 people(8 for initial development

Everyone who says "cut and paste" has to gb2/snk or shouldn't say a thing until they've played it for more then 10 minutes against a level 2 CPU.


Yeah, just because the sprites haven't been touched up doesn't mean it's "cut and paste." Yes, most of the characters you've seen before, but it has been play balanced pretty well, etc.


Granted, the sprites are really ugly, but If they'd retouched them, I bet no one would be bitching (commence slew of people claiming "yes, I'd still biatch!").


For some reason, it's hard to tell idiots that this game isn't cut n paste. Especially when he/she doesn't know a damn thing about games (In or out.).

  • 1 month later...

Man, from just reading the title of this topic I thought you were going to give this game a ridulous score like a 7 or something. 6.5 is reasonable but still arguable in my opinion. I really didn't like this game at all, so little play options and the computer reeked like big coconuts. Playing with a friend provides some entertainment but most people feel that a good majority of characters were left out.


This game would've been killer if all the characters from each series was included.

Posted (edited)

The only thing truly "cut n paste" are the sprites and that's not even 100% of them.


This game would've been killer if all the characters from each series was included.


I guarantee you that if that were possible that you would complain about the loading time.

Edited by Skythe
  GryphonKlaw said:
Oh damn, I didn't know he already posted here. ;)


Nice review though. But since when is 6.5 a B? 6.5 is a D where I'm from.


I agree with gryph..., not even the U.S has a stupid grading system like...


It's the grading system when your pissed off at everyone FOR SAKING THE GAME IS JUST A REHASH WHEN THEY OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T PLAY IT WITH PEOPLE.

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