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that's pretty cool. I would worry about the exposed disc though. gdroms spin extremly fast. can you say amputated fingers. but I am alittle disapointed I was hoping some HK bootleggers had it for sale. like treamcast.


You know there's one huge flaw, battery life !!


and yeah I remember Lik-sang used to sell one of the portable dreamcast prototype :P


great idea but bad design


I think the overall design is good only the exposed gd-rom has me worried. no matter what you gotta hand it to the guy, he took a console and portablised it. and from what I have read the DC power scheme is a bear to get going on batteries.

it looks better then some other frankenstein portables I have seen. if he produced that case and instructions on how to get it together I'd give it a shot.


yeah i dunno y he didn't make a cover for it but maybe the disc spping also work as a fan

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