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alright, so last night, i was on the freeway like at 8pm. and unfortunately, me and my poor 89 ford taurus got into an accident. im ok and everything, kinda tramautized a little and my back hurts hehe but yeah im ok. it involved 3 cars, 4 technically, but this is how it went down....


so the cab driver was flashing his lights at the truck. truck guy gets mad, so he slows down, but he gets hit so both go into the emergency lane. car in front me stops hard to avoid the accident, causing me to stop hard but to also swirve to the emergency lane so i wont hit him. but unfortunately, i hit the cab that was already there but who was the one flashing the lights at the truck and causing all this mess in the first place...





so i think i may be at fault for hitting the cab, but he was the one that started the whole mess....i got damaged, he got little. so what do u guys think? i dont know really, i could be at fault so im neutral. its ok if u guys think im at fault or whatever....


From a legal and insurance stand point, yes you are at fault. Like if a car breaks suddenly and you do too and you rear end that car, then you are at fault. That happened to my sister once.


Gryph is right. From a legal standpoint, regardless of the situation, in a rear-end accident the person who runs into the other from behind is at fault. sorry dude.


P.S. how's your car? Totaled or what kind of estimate?

Gryph is right.  From a legal standpoint, regardless of the situation, in a rear-end accident the person who runs into the other from behind is at fault.  sorry dude.


P.S. how's your car?  Totaled or what kind of estimate?


well, i swirved to the right, so most of the damage in on the left bumper..light is messed up, hood slightly popped up...damage estimate, not sure yet.


i did talk to a lawyer, and he sed that if the cab driver was acting hostile, which he was according to the truck driver, then he would be at fault for messing with him. if the truck driver wasnt there and i hit the cab, then yes its my fault. but if the cab driver was messin the truck innappropriately and caused all that mess, then i may be off the hook...but still, i dont kno =/

Posted (edited)

damn, good luck with that.


i'm currently about to go to trial for my auto accident that happen on election day 2002 where i got hit by a fully loaded tractor trailer that ran a red light as i was making a left in what was a 88' mazda 626 (i say was due to the fact they used the jaws of life to pull the roof back like a tuna can to get me out)

Edited by Prican25
damn, good luck with that.


i'm currently about to go to trial for my auto accident that happen on election day 2002 where i got hit by a fully loaded tractor trailer that ran a red light as i was making a left in what was a 88' mazda 626 (i say was due to the fact they used the jaws of life to pull the roof back like a tuna can to get me out)


Was the guy drunk?

He is?  Really?  That's kind of lame...  How else are you to avoid the car?


At least in California, you are supposed to leave enough room between you and the car in front that you could stop. We all know this isn't always how it really works.


Good luck with the case man. You're not going to be at fault for the whole thing, but at least where I'm at it would be difficult to avoid paying for your damage to the cab. Maybe if they can't tell who did what damage it'll work out better. :(

damn, good luck with that.


i'm currently about to go to trial for my auto accident that happen on election day 2002 where i got hit by a fully loaded tractor trailer that ran a red light as i was making a left in what was a 88' mazda 626 (i say was due to the fact they used the jaws of life to pull the roof back like a tuna can to get me out)


Was the guy drunk?

no, he was busy looking at his map. he claimed that he thought the light wouldn't turn red as he saw it from a "truck's distance". :(

He is?  Really?  That's kind of lame...  How else are you to avoid the car?


At least in California, you are supposed to leave enough room between you and the car in front that you could stop. We all know this isn't always how it really works.


Yeah, it's same way here. In that entire situation, the only person not at fault is the guy that braked in front of you. If the guy you hit and his lawyers say that you hit him because you swerved out the way, they'll probably tell you that you should have had the proper distance, what they call cushion space, between you and the car infront of you.

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