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Everyone plz help me!!! These problem has made me nuts!!!!

is your ROM are having missing sound like these?

1. Kula Taunt [she's yawning] and when She call a striker

2. Seth vs Heidern. He's bow and say something

This is my files:







And also I need the fixed p1.rom. I used c17dddc5, but i need

the fixed p1 but without the Boss enabled


Thx for your coorpration.. I really apreciate it!!


Join the chatroom right now..!! So I can help you live. :idea:


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Join the chatroom right now..!! So I can help you live. :idea:


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Ummm...sorry I can't find it. :idea:

[EDIT] Are these problems really for King of Fighters 2001??


[EDIT] Well if you are talking about 2002 then use the below. :idea:


Have you tried the new M1 Rom for the music??




That should fix some of your sould problem. :idea:


The problem is in KOF2001, but thx anyway for the KOF2002

May be i need it [Geez i don't remeber fighting against Kusanagi

he never show up]


Well here are some working king of fighters 2001 links. Hope that helps. I never ever had the problems you explained and hopefully the following links will fix it for you!


[ Mirror 1] http://www.emuzero.com/kof2001.zip

[ Mirror 2] http://roms.portal.tusur.ru/roms/arcade/ne...geo/Kof2001.zip

[ Mirror 3] http://ftp.gamerme.com/emu/emurom/neogeo/kof2001.zip



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