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Raiden fighter aces good old shump action

Bionic commando meh not what i thought it would be but will play it

UFC undisputed fucckkking awesome

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Bionic Commando. the swing mechanic is crap, they should have made it more like spiderman and less like going to the dentist. No fine precise aiming. but then they want you to get a bunch of headshots for a challenge. WTF? Bionic Commando: Rearmed is a better game.


UFC 09 Unleashed: awesome so far. I don't like how slow it seems during the training weeks, checking emails and stuff seems to take to long. I made a boxer/wrestler for my first character.


I've been playing with the unlockable bionic commando classic skin.


FF Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time is dope fun time. Espeically online :3

What's with the hardcore dread head Bomberman Zero re-hash? It looks awful.


Fact: Bomberman Zero is the single greatest bomberman game ever made.


Star Ocean: Second Story.


This, time, I'll finish it proper.


Star Ocean: Second Story.


This, time, I'll finish it proper.


How many JRPGs for the PS2 have you completed?

Considering I have around 116 games + 20-something backups in my collection, with JRPGs taking roughly 50% of that, I have to say that I haven't finished too of them. Around 15 or so maybe. My gaming habits often swing wildly; sometimes I switch games almost daily, other times I might devote 3-4 weeks to a single game (Persona 3 got this treatment, but I started basically from scratch after I got my hands on FES - got pretty far on P3 before FES forced me to start over).


The biggest problem is that I often have NTSC backups of certain games, and I play those with almost religious zeal - only to realize after a PAL copy arrives that the savegames between PAL and NTSC are not compatible.


Currently waiting for my copy of Mana-Khemia (been delayed almost for 2 months thanks to retailers dicking around), and waiting for Ar Tonelico II preorder possibilities.


So yeah, lots of games "in the works" simultaneously.

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