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Game Name:Snake/Nibbles

Genre: Pointless

Emulated by: Arcade, PC




Best game ever for cellphones, PC, and Arcade. Nothing will ever beat this classic. Many variations of the game snake have been made but the original is still classic. Basically what you do in Snake/Nibbles is eat dots which is food to the snake. These dots give you points and make your tail grow longer. When you eat 10 dots, you move on to the next level. As each level progresses, new obstacles and walls make it tricky for you snake to manuver in especially if it has a long tail.


This Game can be for everyone. It improves reflexes and timing wheter to push the button before you hit the walls and to conserve space. There are many tricky manuvers people use such as the compact manuver which makes the snake "hug" its skin without touching it directly and theres my favorite the box manuver which has the snake move in a biox like patterns so its easy to break away from the target if something happens. This game needs total concentration, and is fun to play over and over again


Gameplay: 9


Graphics: 5 Simple

Controls: 10 Controls are never sluggish with teh originalz


Overall score: 7

Overal Grade: D


I give this game a ;)


I have seriously lost my mind. Gotta get gaming in or something.


LOL. God old QBASIC-programmed Snake and all of it's variations. so simple, yet so surprisingly addictive. ;)

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