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Final Fantasy 8 question


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I started playing Final Fantasy 8 for PC and i the thing is i am not getting any experience for defeating bosses, is it because i summon cuardian forces during battle or something? should this be happening, playing on pc with controllers is a pain in the @ss :)

i have to use my controller for playing and when i come up with a special sequence i use the keyboard, man it sucks

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word of advice, DON"T try to level up.


unlike most rpg's ff8 has a system where the more powerful YOU get , the more powerful your enemies get.



TRY to level up. It's worth it and makes the game a bit more challenging + if you don't, some enemies are near impossible, even if they have "a low level".

Edited by Agozer
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at level 99 , ALL enemies are bitches and goodluck trying to get ultima's off of marboros cause you need them badly in junctions.

Screw that. You can just draw Ultima from Island Closest to Hell/Heaven.

Edited by Agozer
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The island closest to heaven and the island closest to hell are both "secret" areas. He didn't exactly spoil a whole lot.


On a side note...could you pass this game onto me when you're done. *wink*

Edited by LordKanti
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