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Posted (edited)

I never had the chance to see it in the theatres, but now i have it on dvd, I must say , i think this is ALOT better than the first movie (i think the first movie was absolute garbage) they must have had a different person making this film, obviously someone who did their homework.I loved the whole RE: Nemisis feel, and the casting was perfect, my favorite scene was the homage to Claire Redfield were Alice ran past the helicopters shooting through the glass and then she encountered the soldiers, dropped her gun, and then caught it and shot them all before her pistol fell.


I definatly smell sequel in the air with more of a Code Veronica X feel, i bet Milla Jovovich will play a Alexia-type role and for the love of god put a REDFIELD in the movie!!! and Wesker

Edited by KyokugenKiss
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Paul W.S. Anderson wrote both of the movies but directed the first only. The second was directed by Alexander Witt.


Some people love Anderson's scripts and movies, while most movie critics absolutely loathe them.


well the second one was MUCH better, he must have took the time to play the games this time around. The woman who played Jill was perfectly casted, and she did play the game before, and thats part of the reason why she did such an excellent job in her role



I dont see why the powers that be never used George A. Romeros script, it was really good (except for the concept of the zombies being invisible) im supprised they used Lickers again in this movie, i hate Lickers, they should have used Hunters instead


He's been a fan of the games for a long time, dude. The first movie was great in my opinion, as well as the second. Though there was a certain part involving romance that just didn't belong in the movie.

  LordKanti said:
He's been a fan of the games for a long time, dude.  The first movie was great in my opinion, as well as the second.  Though there was a certain part involving romance that just didn't belong in the movie.


well he is a total liar, the first movie was far from great (in the zombie genre POV) not to mention it wasnt a smart move to make a separate world from the video games when you already have such a rich storyline and in depth characters


Eeh...I don't think GC would appreciate this being in here. He wants this to be exclusively for games and gaming paraphanalia.

Posted (edited)

The movie is by far better then the first. But the first has a good tone of that zombie power of them being slow and walzty stupidly walking. Hell, the guy in the first one, the zombie with the broken ankle was actually true, he dislocated his ankle for that.


And Jill = teh secs

Edited by K`dash
Posted (edited)

Everyone that says that they hated the first and say they loved the second say that only because of the scenes similar to the games.













The only thing I hate about Apocalypese is the zombies. Phuck the Bible of the Undead. Though the Liquid Zombie techinique was good but phuck the rest. The first movie as K'dash said ruled hard because of the guy who actually dislocated his ankle and shoulder and the fact that RE1's zombies were more accurate.


not to mention it wasnt a smart move to make a separate world from the video games when you already have such a rich storyline and in depth characters


Did you know? Apocalypse is in a "seperate world" than the games too. OH YOUR GOD!!!


And Jill = r0x0r


Replace r0x0r with sex.

Edited by Skythe

Yeah, neither of the movies directly reflects the games. And both convey the same general idea. Only the Nemesis isn't supposed to stop shooting because he has emotions. That's about the most retarded thing I've seen in a movie all year. The entire movie was great up until the Nemesis decides he doesn't want to kill. Hope that doesn't ruin the movie for anyone.


Well, it did. Not by much, but still. I mean come on, WTF? The Nemesis I've come to love and fear at the same time wouldn't do such a thing.


Remember that Enviromentalist/Fake Cop named Matt in the first RE movie? Remember what the scientist said when they carried him away at the end of the film? Now you should put the two together and realize why Nemesis had emotion.

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