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  GryphonKlaw said:
The News Archive at CPS2Shock goes all the way back to September 1999 which is when they started to tackle the encryption for CPS2.



And that is a long time ago. The whole "scene" went crazy for a couple of weeks when Razoola and Co. released the first CPS2 XORs.


CPS-1 was relatively easy because it didn't feature any kind of decryption.

  sp00n said:
ahh that must suck that means we will never get to play n e cps3 games :D


Yeah..you can play them like I do, by buying the CPS3 arcade boards/kits. :P I had Warzard for a while, but I sold it and bought SfIII 3rd strike. Warzard is a great game, very different..but great..the leveling up was a great addition..and the gameplay is dead on. The game could have used a couple more characters, but seeing as it was a game to show off the CPS3 hardware..I can understand why it had a few limitations character-wise, but the graphics and gameplay make up for it. It's definitely worth the price of admission.. too bad the US version Red Earth was so rare..I would love to have that kit.

  sp00n said:
is cps2shock working on cps3 emulation?

I wouldn't know about emulation, but they have been trying to beat the encryption for the longest time now. Remember, CPS2Shock basically doesn't do emulation, just CPS decryption stuff, IIRC.

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