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Im so new to this, and I've been wanting to make a mugen game for a while, but I don't even know were to start, can someone please help me!?

Thanks for all the help, so like, what now?

Start reading the docs. You can either start downloading and adding characters already made... or you can start learning how to make your own. I say you make your own :P But you have to be willing to learn, work, and have patience for that. Most people don't have what it takes.

Posted (edited)

Well, how do I make my own characters, the carreer I want to take involves work related to this, so I like will put alot toward it!


Edit:How come my music files won't play?!

Edited by Drake

Do you really want to make characters right now? You don't really know how hard it is to make one do you? It took me months to even make one for my own.


Advice: You need to read the docs just liek you study. Make sure you know all kinds of states,triggers,etc., blah,blah,blah.....these thousands of codes you may get frustrated with...but nontheless, you may learn everything in no time... :)


I know C++ and can learn html right now because I wanted to (and thats because I used to know but forgot and still got my tuturial pages) , mugen doesnt look that different from html considering it's all done in notepad! But yeah I do want to make my own character, I have a couple of friends that are paying me like $20 each to make a fighting game out of all of us, it's like 8 people and thats a pretty good start for a custom fighting game, don't you think?

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