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well yea mortal kombat was a good movie the first one i liked the best

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spmetimes there is a movie that is turned into a video game or vice versa that may be good. but sadly most of them have really sucked. Like supposedly there gonna make a reservoir dogs game in my opinion i think it'll be crap. but who now b/c sometimes they come out good.


The Blood Rayne movie looks kinda hott


Yea spider man 2 was pretty good, Well i liked the game

  garageink said:
good game to movie and movie to games  are few and far between, the only good movie game I can think of is spiderman 2

and the only good game to movie a can think of is mortal Kombat.

Uh no, Spiderman 2 games wasn't so hot. :P


spider-man 2 wasnt all that great i mean it was aight but nah it was too easy


the best game i can think of that was based of a movie..... well not a movie but a movie series i guess is Riddick. And golden eye.. although golden eye didnt really show much from the movie and a lot in the game didnt happen in the movie :P.


I'm going the cheap way. I said my sheit in another thread.


Games to Movies, Movies to Games or whatever. Really much depends on the makers of how the story developed in which some movies/games sucks or great in the end. :lol:


I want to see MGS or just MG made into a movie, as long as the story's are fuc*** up, it'll suck as if like it happens in a milatry place somewere in new york if they made MGS and it turned out to be a deadly virus that was about to get on the loose (foxdie) , and the soilders everytime they died they were resummoned by foxide to become evil monsters (making fun of doom th movie here) , and then after that, it turns out his twin brother, was really colonal instead of actually puting liquid snake there. That would make grab a gun and raid that place!


fuc a metal gear movie, i wanna see them remake the first 3 games with the newer engine, although if they did ever make a movie id say they should cast Scotta Bana or Hugh Jackman seeing they look the part the most


i heard that there was a max payne movie that basiclally sucked so much that it didn't even make it to production thats pretty sad :lol:

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