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Hey if you ever get angry with your girl, never say im gonna bite your nipple of use this.

"Ill spit your nipples out" this will make them think, and amuse you at the same TYME.

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Hey if you ever get angry with your girl, never say im gonna bite your nipple of use this.

"Ill spit your nipples out" this will make them think, and amuse you at the same TYME.


The master speaks again. :P

Posted (edited)
This story's are weird, gryph pulling off tits, 2 chicks ripping off balls, wtf!? Do all of you have the strength of superman or something?

u ever seen the finger nails women have? i truly doubt it would be that hard to rip off a ball.. all she would need to do is pierce the skin with her nails.. which if u ever been clawed by a girl isnt very hard to do.. specialy ur sack being very sesitive and all.... and after that? theres isnt much holding ur balls on u realize that right? one yank on the main cord and its gone. lol '



did i just say that ooww the though of pain :P

Edited by Bluestinger X

Dude, your freaking gross man, and I have enough marks in my body to prove that womenly nails are equevalent to long sharp knives!


haha then why do u find it hard to believe... im not sick i was just telling u how easy it could be done... as for the boob thing im pretending what he said wasnt true cause thats messed up. Anyways there was these rednecks here they went cow tipping well long story short one got kicked stright in the nuts and it took them clean off. moral of the storry rednecks are dumb :).


Ha ha, my ex girl once punched me in the ehad, i got angry, and she realised what she had done, i then made a move for she was like "Noooooo" i got her in the head lock and kicked her in the ass 3 times.


That was a good day.

Ha ha, my ex girl once punched me in the ehad, i got angry, and she realised what she had done, i then made a move for she was like "Noooooo" i got her in the head lock and kicked her in the ass 3 times.


That was a good day.


What a sadistic move :)

I find that very hard to believe emsley..

if my girl friend would sucker punch me in the love factory I'd rape her then and there...


.... how could u wana have sex after getting hit in the balls? probably one of the best turn offs know to man.

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