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this isn't as much crap as it's clone (the incredibles is the most open-faced clone of fantastic four I've ever seen, like Mr. Incredible - the thing, his wife - mr. fantastic, girl - sue, boy - (DC comics) flash, icedude - x-men's iceman, I find it totally bullshit)

but don't you just hate it when they never follow the comics/cartoons it's totally flocked up.........

this like the dragonball movie that's coming up where goku is raised by monks....


Hmmm...after seeing the trailer, I'm not impressed. I don't think Jessica Alba was a good choice for The Invisible Woman. She's to young to play her. They weren't thinking to cast the part correctly, but instead they were going for "some babe" to play the part.


This looks kinda weird....and I recall doom shooting out electric balls in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, I don't about his comic version tho since I barely read comics (I only read Ultamite Spider-Man wich is crap...) , I couldn't see the trailer but it looks gay already from what everyone is saying


I believe Dr. Doom knows abit of sorcery like Dr. Strange. I'm not 100% sure about it though.


The electricity in the movie though is more than likely his power from the cosmic rays. LAMEfhasodfhksd!


Doom does know sorcery, when he went into a brief exile, he went to monks in the himalayas and was trained by them, eventually he became a master at it, and they forged him his infamous mask, In marvel2 he did shoot electricity, but that is probably sorcery electricity not cosmic mutation caused, and the fact that he has metal skin is bull, he suppose to be scarred by his own experiment which he blames reed for even though reed advise him to use another safer process.


I remember reading that it's possible that Victor really wasn't scared by the accident but from his mask which was too hot (From being freshly made.).


Jessica Alba is too ethnic looking to play Sue Storm, same with the guy who is playing Johhny Storm, MR Fantastic is too un attractive, this movie does not turn me on, i think id prefer the old campy Roger Corman Ver.

  sf2_ryu said:
i know this is completly off topic but did u guys now that theres gonna be a Ring 2 b/c i didn't

Of course there will be since the original had 3 parts (well, Ringu Zero wasn't really that hot , but whatever.)


soo off topic, this F.F movie is gonna suck, i dont know why there making it, there was already a F.F movie!!!

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