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I just beat the game and finding my self saying WTF! motha Flocker! so i started searching and found this helpful guide called The HL Saga story guide, it pieces the bits of info together to tell the story of half life, up to the ending of HL2, and it seems to do a pretty good job at it.


warning major spoilers though




Ooh, he spiced up the site more. I read this a long time ago and it was only the time line. Very interesting and cool stuff.


Very cool site. I hope he will add OF and BS to the timeline because it somewhat goes in depth of what happened in black mesa disaster.


I ain't dissapointed with the hl2 ending, it really opens up a sequel. Valve has a done a great job, maybe for those that play through the game and understand, the ending fits exactly like it should be so it is well done/put. Anyone feel against it, I guess you ain't paying attention to the game, thus you are being stupid and paranoid :)

I ain't dissapointed with the hl2 ending, it really opens up a sequel. Valve has a done a great job, maybe for those that play through the game and understand, the ending fits exactly like it should be so it is well done/put. Anyone feel against it, I guess you ain't paying attention to the game, thus you are being stupid and paranoid ;)

Then this would be a good time to tell you that it sucked.

I ain't dissapointed with the hl2 ending, it really opens up a sequel. Valve has a done a great job, maybe for those that play through the game and understand, the ending fits exactly like it should be so it is well done/put. Anyone feel against it, I guess you ain't paying attention to the game, thus you are being stupid and paranoid ;)


There's a difference between "leaving things open for a sequel" and "not wrapping up anything." The only things you learn from the HL2 ending are that you probably defeated Dr. Breen, you probably stopped the combine at City 17, and there will be a sequel. If you didn't know those things were going to happen by 10 minutes into the game, you're not exactly a theoretical physics major.

I think Gordon Freeman is the 2nd Coming of Christ.


Best theory I've heard all year.



That site predicts G-man is from some kind of larger resistance movement against the combine, with crazy technology and whatnot. Just to throw in my 2 cents, I'd always thought he has his own not-necessarily-beneficent agenda, maybe as part of another massive organization. Evidence would be:


- G-man was ready to feed Gordon to the houndeyes if he didn't agree to be his interstellar biatch. This doesn't sound like the action of an oppressed resistance towards a successful hero with a common enemy.


- G-man weilds portal technology far and above what the combine OR the humans have displayed. Super-advanced technology isn't typically the hallmark of oppressed resistance movements.


- G-man displays immense power, but takes no direct action himself. He can appear wherever he needs to, and was able to put Gordon in an involuntary stasis without breaking a sweat, but he won't pull the lever on the other side of the locked door, let alone stasis-port Breen under the foot of a Gargant. He appears in combine-infested areas in HL2, and right in front of the Vortigaunt Slaves at Black Mesa, so it doesn't seem like a matter of staying hidden. If his primary goal is the destruction of the Combine, he's sure willing to take a lot of chances on it.


- At the end of HL2 (SPOILER ALERT), G-man mentions Gordon's services have been solicited. Other "people" know of Gordon's exploits and know who to contact about them. Typically, underground resistance movements don't maintain that kind of publicity, let alone availability to outside sources. It may be other branches of the resistance asking for help, but why would G-man be reluctant to lend them a hand? Why would he be so focused on one aspect of a growing combine empire?



It's all speculation, and for just a game at that, but it's fun to think about. :)

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