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Well, the PSP HTS3 game is showing a glimpse of what to come for the anime I hope, since they include the Urrichido guy inside the game.

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the first ep of bleach has been fan dub, i didn't download it and i'm not planning to,the fillers are worse enough, and this fan dub is probably gonna make me stop watching bleach at all


Well, me and my friend(who hadn't seen Bleach before) tried the fandub. Karin's dubbing was the best - and Karin's dubbing sucked. Was that from the same group who made this?


This thing was actually pretty good - for a dub. But it seems it was made by another group. There also seems to be a third group.


How come three fandub groups start working on Bleach at about the same time?


Hmm will rukia shunpu, or will ichigo go hollow and save her ...again. I'm betting on shunpu if not some other teq.


well seeing how icchigo scuked really bad when he used his hollow power, i think rukia being in danger will bring his hollow side out but end up using all of his power at the end of the fight


Well what really happened amazed me, and I'm pretty sure ichigo would have gone hallow but rukia would have ended up dead and ichigo would after the fight loose control of the hollow and go berserk just like he was scared of doing in the first place.


O and you wouldn't believe it, if you remember the the power rangers show, then you might recall the 2nd black ranger being a asain dude. He's dubbibg the voice for ichigo.....


i was suprised by the outcome too. i don't like how the keep having small fights like these when explainations are needed


I'm not going to saying anything about Renjii, I'm not going to say anything of how freakishly retarded some scenes look, and I"M DEFINITLY not going to say anything about ichigo's chickennessness.


WTF are this people thinking!!!

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