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removed hl2


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After immense hours with that game, I deleted. Well not only despite various bugs here and there, but that game puts my body in bad shape, no seriously. The first time, motion sickness, second, bigger headache, and now a bad combination of both severe headache and stomache.


I barely made it through class without trying to fall asleep today, and no I had enough sleep since last night 8 hours to be exact, it didn't cure much really, more like only by 15%. I go to all my classes are wobbly slow, much slower than my grandfather. I did do the work, but in a very lazy position. Thank god, this is college, or my teacher outta slap me or at least made a trouble yell for putting my head down even with eyes open nor close.


Son of a.. can you believe it, my conscience could be behind all this, YES, my copy of the game isn't legal =P but I was gonna buy the game if I can afford the retail original. Ok, either I blame valve or myself.. more likely myself. Anywho, I'm gonna repay the game, like before (cept my cuz took it from me and never gave it back =P), hl2 with CS:S is worth the money, I thank valve for all the hard work, and I'm truly sorry (NOT you steam flockers !!!).



Anyway, least I got that out of my system, anyone had cure for this type of sickness ? my stomache seems to be hungry but at the same time, pain. I want to eat something, but what ? or what other solution to cure this pathethic problem ?


I thank thee, 1emu ppl and valve (NOT YOU STEAM FLOCKERS!!!!)

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When you start to feel that headache from the game, stop. Or put a time limit or something. I myself only played HL2 for an hour and then I just stopped and never touched it again (Due to system problems and stuff). But I usually put an hour when I stop playing (instance, goto sleep at 11:00)


W/e works for you. Drinking water usually when ur playing a game helps u bring u back to reality for a good 4 seconds.

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Wow dude. Seriously, even I take breaks when I start feeling sick. And i'm an avid gamer like you.





Just wait till DoD: Source comes out.


My small remedy is drinking warm tea/chocolate milk. works best curing a headache, ginger ale for motion sickness along with lying down for a good 15-20 minutes.

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Eh, every software leaves one's harddrive sooner or later, only to return at a later date. That's how it works for me anyway.


K`dash is right, CSS alone isn't worth the money, but some are crazy enough to buy the packages for the sole purpose of CSS.

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I'll wait for a year or more if I had to, when the gold package drops down in price. I will then, buy the game at a reasonable rate. For now, there is no torture having to own this game at such a rush rate.

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Luckily I never felt discomfort while playing. But I didn't play for more than 2-3 hours at a time except for the first weekend it was out (I played maybe 6 hours straight) so there wasn't much chance for any of that.

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Like most of the others here, the only time I've ever actually felt physical effects from playing a game is when I've played it for far too long (or sat in a stupid position). I've heard of a lot of people getting motion sickness from FPS games, but I've never experienced such a thing.


One trick I learned a Sony, which works well in desk jobs as well as marathon gaming, is to keep a massive glass/bottle of ice water next to you at all times. Aside from providing essential hydration, water makes you have to pee. This forces you to get off your ass once in a while and to stop looking at the screen for at least the minute or two it takes to run to the batthroom. Just make sure your games (or boss!) don't have such a tyrranical reign over your natural instincts that you neglect to get up when you have to.

Edited by Daeval
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