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I hate Japanese RPGs with a passion. I'm sorry but to me they just suck, I get bored of them in less than an hour. I don't even consider them role-playing games (I have a real D&D and such mindset so that'll explain everything) because you don't create the role that you play and there usually aren't multiple ways to approach a situation. They give you some faggot character with stupid hair and a stupid name with a gigantic head to walk around and talk to generic people (and almost never multiple conversation paths) and participate in repetative battles with the same slime goo over 100 times to level up. Not to mention I hate the universes they are set in. But my hate for Japanese RPGs (especially Final Fantasy...GOD I HATE FINAL FANTASY!!!!!) is not the issue here. I stopped playing them since the SNES days, if things have changed (which I doubt they have) then I'll reconsider. I'm sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. :(


Ok, here are the good American RPGs:

- Akalabeth (predecessor to Ultima)

- Ultima series (except Online and Ultima IX. I am shocked no one here mentioned them...you bunch of fags :P)

- The Bard's Tale (the old ones...not the new one)

- Wizardy (very underrated but good)

- Elder Scroll series (someone only mentioned Morrowind...the other two are awesome too)

- Wasteland (the predecessor to Fallout which is the greatest RPG EVER)

- Might and Magic

- Any of the Dungeons and Dragons games by SSI like Eye of the Beholder and Pool of Radiance

- Baldur's Gate 1 and 2

- Neverwinter Nights

- Planescape: Torment

- Temple of Elemental Evil

- Arcanum (sooo long, I haven't beaten it)

- Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2

- Shadowrun

- System Shock 1 and 2 (yes, they are more RPG than FPS so shove it)

- Deus Ex 1 ONLY! Deus Ex: IW was a consolized piece of crap. (see above)

- Freedom Force

- Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (Redemption was crap)

- and finally the best of the best...FALLOUT 1 and 2.


As you can see I play a lot of PC RPGs. It's my second favorite genre. To me RPGs are games where you create your character from scratch and then play the game in a style you like. American RPGs have that kind of gameplay style with character creation and stats with several conversation paths and multiple ways to achieve a goal.


And Fable isn't technically American, it's British but it's better to split RPGs into to categories, Eastern and Western.

Doesn't that feel good to get rid of all that negative energy? :D

Japanese RPG's roxxers. <_<

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Japanese RPG's roxxers. <_>

Hear hear. Those are one of the main reason why I'm so addicted to gaming.


Bah humbug.


Well, different strokes for different folks. I did like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana a lot though.

Well, different strokes for different folks.

*ka-ching* there's that magic word! All Mana games rule.

Well, different strokes for different folks.

*ka-ching* there's that magic word! All Mana games rule.

Amen, Secret of Mana was awesome.


Chrono Trigger can bite my nuts though. Time-travelling in video games is almost inevitably episodic and gimmicky. Making it the central theme of a game that is supposed to be story based = smothered in weak sauce. I realize I am probably alone in my bitter corner with this opinion.



And while we're on the subject of American RPGs, it would be a good time to point out that they are apparently being selectively bred to kick ass. Some very smart man was able to stud one of the best original american rpg universes, Fallout, with the studio behind at least one of the best-excecuted open-ended rpgs in existence, Bethesda Softworks.


Ultrasound images here: http://www.bethsoft.com/news/pressrelease_071204.htm




This game brings me much sex.

Yet so overlooked by most RPG fanboys.


Yeah, I can't wait to see what Bethesda does with Fallout. I kind of wished that either Troika or Obsidian got it since they have great Fallout experience. I just hope Bethesda leaves the Fallout framework alone (isometric, SPECIAL system, and perks) and just adds some extra stuff. It's going to be cool to see Fallout with some of the technology that's being used in the new Elder Scrolls game.


But Troika is working on their own post apocalyptic RPG right now so that's good. There were rumors going around that Troika was disbanded but we'll know sometime this month whether it's true or not.


You specifically left out MMORPGs the first time, which are (with a few exceptions) PC territory. That made it sound like the rest of the PC world was fair game.


You'll have a harder time with console RPGs. Western-style RPGs have typically appealed more to PC gamers.

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